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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

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    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

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    Effective for 96% of men

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    Expiry date: September, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Wednesday 9 Apr

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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

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    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: September, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Wednesday 9 Apr

    Boost your sexual confidence!


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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

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    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: September, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Wednesday 9 Apr

    Boost your sexual confidence!

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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

    Advanced tracking tool

    Verified reviews only

    Unbeatable prices

    Full refunds

    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: September, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Wednesday 9 Apr

    Boost your sexual confidence!


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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

    Advanced tracking tool

    Verified reviews only

    Unbeatable prices

    Full refunds

    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: September, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Wednesday 9 Apr

    Boost your sexual confidence!


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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

    Advanced tracking tool

    Verified reviews only

    Unbeatable prices

    Full refunds

    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: September, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Wednesday 9 Apr

    Boost your sexual confidence!

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Buy Cialis for Bitcoins

Bitcoin is one way of payment that doesn’t block transactions, as it is not regulated by any country. You do not have to deal with any bank, credit card company, or payment processing service in order to buy Cialis with bitcoins.

Cialis (active ingredient Tadalafil) was introduced to patients with erectile dysfunction in 2003. Its patent expires in November 2017 in the USA and Europe. No generic versions have been approved by Food and Drug Administration in America by this time. ED patients are highly interested in the product but high price stops most of them.

We provide 100% money-back guarantees on our products. We don’t require you finding a prescription or dealing with insurance companies in

Those who tried Indian generic interpretation of Cialis stayed satisfied. Confidence in generic medicines are rising indeed. About 88 percent of prescriptions are generic. Many people are looking for detailed information about this medicine. High quality and affordable prices stimulate consumers to search all possible ways to buy generic drug. We are glad to offer Indian generic Cialis on our site ViaBestBuy and provide all information about generics which will help you to make the right choice.

Affect of Generic Drugs on USA Consumers

Generic preparations are well spread in the USA. Some people see no problem in using them, but there is still a large group of concerned people who doubt in quality of these drugs. Most generic interpretations come to America from India. Therefore, the most frequent consumer questions are: what are other ingredients among active substance? Are they toxic? What if Indian level of hygiene and concern about the environment is much lower than in the USA? How the Indian drugs are inspected and tested?

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The questions are reasonable because these factors are decisive. They show the real effectiveness and impact of the drug on consumers. Everyone who is thinking of using generic preparations should know the following facts about Indian generics:

  1. The epidemiological profile of India has been changing. Today this country is able to represent highly prospective products for international pharmacy market.
  2. India has worthy production expertise.
  3. Indian manufacturers take leading positions in the producing of generics pills and vaccines for cardiovascular problems, central nervous system diseases, impotence and other chronic illnesses.
  4. Strong patent regime include protection of intellectual property rights.
  5. Healthcare has become one of the main priorities of the Indian Government. It has been launching new policies and programs to grow up India to worldwide leading positions in pharmacy.

Big-name producers can not ignore Indian drugs due to worthy quality of generics. Analogues has become a decent competitor to original medicines. Economic prognoses are optimistic and promise India high level in worldwide pharmacy production.

Therefore, conservative views about wrong effect of Indian generics are oldish and impaired by lack of scientific and economic analysis. Someone might have personal negative attitude which lives in his brain. Original drug fans are ready to pay any money for brand, but their count diminishes every year. The crowd of generic users, vice-versa, grows up. Indian generic interpretations are truly a real breakthrough.

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Patents and Pricing Politics in the US

American politics in medicine is a hot topic nowadays because of moving up drug prices. Many people use prescription drugs regularly and notice the rapid cost growth. Current President Donald Trump has been planning reforms which should drive down the value of medications. The most expensive preparations are under steadfast attention especially.

FDA approved drugsThe most important factors which make prices so high consist mostly in monopoly rights of drug producers:

  1. Drug manufacturers settle own prices, although this practice doesn’t happen in other countries.
  2. Government-protected monopolies protect using generic interpretations to escape reducing prices for patented medicinal products.
  3. American state system allows updating producer’s rights years forward.
  4. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves generic drugs too slowly or limit generic abilities.
  5. Research and Development do not always confirm drug prices.
  6. Drug company spend big money to protect its patent and prolong its period maximally which also rises up the drug price.

Patent protected medicinal products are often indispensable for health and life. Allowing a drug manufacturer to organize a monopoly with own charges is a root of American crisis in medicine. The prices for ED and PE drugs are excessively high and quite often people can not afford to buy the drugs.

One of Trump’s campaign promise was to solve the problem with high prices for medicines. Possibly it could happen if America started buying less expensive preparations at foreign medicines producers. Such unusual action would make American pharmacies to diminish the costs. Though their interest to invest into development and letting new products to the market would fade as well.

The question is still open and identified in agenda of the new American President.

All About Payment Intervention in Cialis Purchase Process

Criminal statistics showed that producing of forge drugs is very popular and highly profitable.

Fake pills for erectile dysfunction (including Cialis) are especially best-selling. Clone drug makers use the psychological fact that men with ED diseases escape visiting physician or feel shy to discuss the ailment with a specialist.

In January 2015 FDA picked up a consignment of sham Cialis in a mail dispatch. The checked fake drug consisted dangerous substances. All further batches of unapproved drugs were blocked. That was a massive push to cutting delivery of counterfeit Cialis to the US.

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Since that time, the law forbids importing prescription drugs from other countries. US Customs and Border Protection control investigate the packages for counterfeit drugs.

To protect incoming fake medicines to the USA and close fraud businesses, FDA closely cooperate with International Criminal Police Organization and multiple government agencies responsible for enforcing the law.

The idea to get cheap unknown drugs through international shipment might collapse even at payment stage. The vast majority of banking cards reject payments for profits of online pharmacy business. This is also a part of battle FDA against fake drugs sellers. Visa and MasterCard have unionized the Center for Safe Internet Pharmacies (CSIP), a coalition of companies that have intention to defend online customers from swindler dodgy drugstores. Safeness of CSIP is boarded simply inside of the USA and rejects all chemists based abroad.

Clients are not always happy with this decision because there are still legal and safe foreign pharmacies where Americans would like to purchase drugs. Besides, these chemists help to save up to 80% of US price. It becomes a real problem to buy generics not only from Indian manufacturers but also Canadian or European just because they do not belong to US pharmacy system and are not authorized by FDA.

Users who can not pay the price which American drug company wants, go on searching of available ways of payment to buy the desired generic drug at foreign pharmacies.

Why Buying with Bitcoins Is the Best Way to Get Cialis?

Bitcoin is a faultless way to purchase good medicines for reasonable price abroad. The privileges of Bitcoin payment method are obvious:

  • purchases can not be reserved or rejected by a bank;
  • credit card numbers can not be stolen;
  • cheaters can not charge back the order;
  • money transfer can be sent to any organization at any time of day or night from any device;
  • Bitcoin system has a strong cryptography;
  • the system is absolutely decentralized, it’s a free resource which has no owner;
  • the transactions are free except the voluntary tax to speed up the transaction proceeding.

This method perfectly works for online chemists. It is a real saving for reliable foreign drugstores and customers who do not want to serve American monopolies but desire to buy a cheap analogue. Cialis purchase with bitcoin is available at ViaBestBuy. Low cost for good drug will save budget and fix erectile problems.

Get an additional 25% off when you buy Cialis pills with BTC. Just select Bitcoin as the payment method and you’re in for the Big Save. So, would you like to pay for Cialis with Bitcoin?