When it comes to genuine happiness, few things add as much to it as a healthy and a fulfilling sex life. Sex is a natural and necessary function, and any obstacles in the way of achieving it will drastically affect the quality of the individual’s existence. For men, in particular, sex drive can be affected by a number of things including age, physical health, diet, and even mood.

Because sex is such a personal matter, and ties into a healthy man’s sense of strength when problems pop up in this department you may not be so quick to discuss it even with a doctor. If you find yourself in this situation, it may be helpful to know where to buy cheap over the counter generic versions of well-known medicines, such as the little blue pill known as Viagra.

Read on for stories and Viagra reviews from real life users who have had great success using our online pharmacy.

Help is not only available for males. Women suffering a negative sex experience should also check out the rest of this article to see how to buy online drugs OTC (over the counter), including Female Viagra pills from India.

First, A Bit About Viagra

ViagraThose seeking to purchase sexual enhancements wonder exactly what Viagra is. Viagra is the professional trademark of the Pfizer Corporation for sildenafil citrate. Sildenafil citrate was discovered in 1989 and was originally offered up as a treatment for high blood pressure and angina.

By the early 1990s test results indicated it lacked effectiveness in these areas. Reports by users, however, indicated that after ingestion the chemical had a real effect on their erections. After some real-life testing in this area, the FDA approved the drug for use in treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

The trademarked version of Viagra is for sale only with a doctor’s prescription. We offer the user the best place to get a generic type without a prescription and at the best price.

What Does Viagra Do?

In males, sexual arousal causes increased heartbeat and release of nitrous oxide to nerves within the penis. The nitric oxide relaxes the smooth muscles of the penis and allows the increased blood flow of the heart to enlarge the spongy tissues and cause an erection. After a certain amount of time (varies with each person), the body releases a chemical called phosphodiesterase type-5, intended to constrict blood flow and allow the erection to subside.

Viagra helps to improve blood flow to the penis and suppresses the release of phosphodiesterase type-5, which allows an erection to continue.
In the case of female sexual dysfunction, the symptoms are very different. Sexual stimulation in a female entails the relaxation of the vaginal walls and a simultaneous release of natural lubricants which make penetration possible.

SexJust as in males, these natural responses may be affected by age, physical condition, diet, lack of exercise, and emotional state. Attempts to engage in sex are often painful and further the cycle of aversion.

This can lead to total abstinence if not addressed.

In Female Viagra, the main ingredient is flibanserin, which aids in increasing desire and activating the normal lubrication of the vagina and the relaxation of vaginal musculature before sex.

User Stories And Testimonials

Many users have reported Viagra has worked well for them.

Do Viagra Pills Work?

Despite the testimonials and comments, you may still wonder does Viagra work? Its main ingredient has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Since its introduction in the 1990s, several major pharmaceutical companies have offered trademarked versions of the chemical for this purpose.

Sildenafil encourages smooth penile muscles to relax and allow increased blood flow into the spongy tissue of the penis. An erection occurs when this tissue becomes filled with blood.

Sildenafil also slows down the release of phosphodiesterase type-5, the chemical responsible for constricting blood vessels and ending the erection.

This principle aids in sustaining erections longer than normally possible.

The published data and accumulated experiences of users seem to indicate that the active principle is very effective.

If there is any doubt about this, just keep in mind that one of the potential side effects of sildenafil is called priapism (an erection lasting more than 4 hours).

Some Things To Keep In Mind

Side Effects of SildenafilEven the safest drugs have potential side effects and interactions. Although generic Viagra is available without a prescription, customers should not assume that generic Viagra is right for them:

  • potential users may wish to consult with a doctor to see if their heart is strong enough for sexual activity;
  • Sildenafil should not be taken with medicines known as nitrates which are often prescribed for chest pain;
  • do not use with guanylate cyclase stimulators for pulmonary hypertension because this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure;
  • do not take with alcohol or other recreational drugs;
  • do not take with HIV protease inhibitors such as ritonavir.

Some common adverse reactions include headaches, flushing (red-tinged skin), dyspepsia, abnormal vision, nasal congestion, back pain, myalgia, nausea, dizziness, rash, priapism.

What Generic Viagra Reviews Are There From Real Users?

After I hit 40 I couldn’t get a proper erection. Things went from bad to worse, but thanks to Viagra generics all’s well again. Joe, New Mexico

Despite living in the state with the hardest name to spell, other things weren’t as hard as I’d have liked them to be. Now they are! Larry, Mississippi

Do you have any idea how horrible it is to want to do something but to be physically unable to do so? Viagra solved my problem. Harry, Idaho

Does your partner say ‘Oh, it’s alright?’ Mine did, but these days she’s saying ‘Gimme more’. Actually it’s not so much saying as screaming and that’s all down to Viagra. I feel great! Sex has gone from being a potentially embarrassing situation to being a brilliant experience. My partner agrees. She says I always had it in me and all I needed was Viagra to give me the confidence to let it out. I think she’s right. It’s great having a healthy sex life again. My stress levels are lower and I feel more confident both in and out of bed. Lenny K, Alabama

Don’t blame yourself if you suffer from ED. Try Viagra and release your inner animal! You will be amazed! Nick, Detroit

Don’t hesitate. If you think your sexual problems might be physical, Viagra will fix it. It sure worked for me! Jeff, New Jersey

Don’t waste your money on the brand-name stuff. Get generic Viagra like I did. It works just as well! Kevin, Indiana

Generics are as good as the original. Steve, Nevada

Had a bit of a headache after using it, but hey – it was easy to forget all about it! Thanks for a great product. Richard, Kansas

Hi! I’m from down south. My own Southern extremities weren’t working so well, but your generic Viagra has given me my Mojo back! Gary, Louisiana

I can’t say whether Viagra will work for you. Apparently 1 in 5 guys don’t get any positive effect from it. I guess I’m lucky to be among the 4 out of 5 that really benefit from Viagra. And what a benefit! My flagging sex life is back on track and I feel like taking on the world (although my partner won’t let me)! Ok, kidding, but it worked just like it said on the label. I’d begun to think that hot action wasn’t going to be something I’d be up to any more, but now I’m ‘up’ at the slightest provocation. Nick, Ontario

I did what I’ve been wanting to do for years. The spirit is willing. The flesh needs a little help! Greg, London UK

I didn’t have any problem getting an erection, but I couldn’t sustain it for long enough to satisfy myself or my partner. I was in constant fear of losing my erection during sex and it happened with monotonous regularity. We’d be off to a good start and then… I’d just wilt. Not the best way to sustain an exciting sex life. I wasn’t sure if Viagra would help me. After all, getting an erection wasn’t an issue – the problem was in keeping the flag flying. Hello Viagra. Hello to the kind of sex I was beginning to think I’d never have again. Jake B, New South Wales

I don’t care what anyone says. You just don’t feel like a man if you can’t get an erection. Now I can. JJ, Nebraska

I don’t have the money for expensive drugs, but I still wanted to be able to have sex again. Your generic pills did exactly what I wanted. Jay, Wyoming

I know there are other drugs for ED, but this is the one that works for me. I was expecting side effects but didn’t experience any. Gerry, Delaware

I really did understand that my husband’s problem was physical rather than a lack of attraction, but he was so frustrated and hurt every time sex didn’t work out. Now everything’s great! Jill, Colorado

I recommend it! Keith, North Carolina

I still love sex even though I’m over 40. There’s just one problem. I enjoy all those horny thoughts and sensations, I can even ejaculate – but I’m not hard enough to penetrate. I really wanted to be able to enjoy the whole gamut of sensation – and I’ll admit to wanting to make my partner yell out ‘OMG it’s so big!’ like in the old days. I figured I was a good candidate for Viagra and now that I’ve tried it, I’m ready to be the poster boy for it. Pity I’m not so good looking any more. Anyway, it worked for me, and I didn’t have any weird side effects. James, Texas

I thought I was past it, but now I’m an absolute animal. Well, my partner says so ☺ I think it’s great too, mind you! Jerry, Pennsylvania

I thought I’d never have a proper sex life because of my ED. Turns out all I need is this little tablet. Life is good! Tony, US

I was looking forward to my retirement. I didn’t expect to find that my parts also wanted to go on pension! It happened once, no big deal. It happened twice and I began to worry. And then it was crunch time. Nothing gave me a decent erection. I might be over 55, but I still want to be able to say that everything’s in perfect working order. Everyone’s been talking about Viagra – the way to prevent pensioners from falling out of bed (kidding!). I decided to try it and ordered my tablets on your site. Happy days are here again! Ed, Canada

I’m 57 – don’t laugh – I’m still a man and I have all the normal male urges. For the last years sex has been a bit of a non-starter. I want to. My partner wants to. But the old feller isn’t playing along the way he used to. I wasn’t going to give up without a fight, so I got Sildenafil (Viagra to you). You hear all the stories about how it revives one, but my goodness! I wasn’t expecting what I got. Ok, so I got a runny nose, but that’s not the exciting bit. I feel like a new man. Try it for yourself and see. Bill, UK

I’m a real man again. J P, Mississippi

I’m glad I tried this. FANTASTIC results! Ryan, Connecticut

I’m in my twenties and I suffer from ED. I didn’t even want to discuss it with my doctor. After all, he’s the family doc I’ve known since I was a kid. It just felt weird to even mention it. I found myself wondering if Viagra could actually work for me and decided it had to be worth trying. I’ll be honest – I get a bit of a headache after taking it, but being able to feel like ‘normal’ man again is well worth the slight discomfort. If you’re suffering from ED, you’ve got nothing to lose. Just try and see. Jim, Dakota

I’m over the moon! Bruce, Maine

I’m posting this review for other guys that are scared to try Viagra. I was scared too, but now my partner is the one who is intimidated (in the nicest way!) Matt L, North Dakota

I’m pretty young to be suffering from ED, but sex just hasn’t been an option for me for the last few years. I wasn’t going to see my doctor about it. Seriously. What was I supposed to say? To cut a long story short, I found that I was able to get hold of Viagra without first subjecting myself to 20 questions, so I took the plunge. I got my ‘little blue pills’ even though they weren’t actually blue because I chose a cheaper generic version and the rest is history. I’m able to enjpy sex again and I feel like a real man after years of confidence-sapping ‘soft-ons’. Alf, Paris

I’ve been successfully using Viagra for years. There was just one problem – it was costing me a fortune. I heard about generic Viagra and decided to give that a try instead. I know the theory says it’s supposed to work just like the original, but I wasn’t convinced. I’d been trusting my expensive blue pills for years and didn’t think a copy would work as well. Wrong! It worked just as well as my brand-name Viagra pills and cost me a whole lot less. I reckon I’ve paid Pfizer enough in royalties or whatever it is that makes their pills so expensive. Now I’m only using generics! Peter, IL USA

I’ve come across so many Viagra jokes that one would swear ED was a joke. It isn’t. You want sex. You want it like crazy. But you can’t get your equipment to pay attention. Your partner can be as hot as you please and as eager as you please, but the physiological requirement for sex – a decent erection – isn’t forthcoming. This is not funny. It’s the kind of thing that makes you want to bury yourself in a hoe in the ground and never come out again. So I got Viagra – no jokes please – and if you could see the erection I was able to get after using it, you’d be patting me on the back and giving me a medal! Pat, Oklahoma

I’ve got a few health issues. I didn’t think I could take Viagra safely, but I consulted my Doc and he gave me the go-ahead. Wow! The results are absolutely amazing. Whereas I didn’t dare initiate sex because I wasn’t confident that I could maintain an erection in the past, I’m now a sexual animal – at least it feels that way to me – and my partner loves it too. Having the confidence to indulge in sex once again has made a new man of me. I’m more confident out of bed as well as in bed. It’s like getting a new lease of life! Andy, Christchurch

I’ve got a new lease of life! Jose, Canada

If you could see my partner, you might wonder what’s wrong with me. ED that’s what! Problem solved with generic Viagra tabs. Gus, Hawaii

It works for me! Andy, Kentucky

It works great for ED. Will, Florida

Let the good times roll! That which would not work before is now working brilliantly. I wish one could get Viagra for the brain too – I’d be a genius in no time! Tim, CA

Life begins at sixty! Don, Ohio

More Generic Viagra Reviews

Life is good. Sex is good. And it’s all thanks to Viagra. Does that sound crazy? You’d understand if you’d ever suffered from ED! Charles, AZ

Loved it. What are you waiting for? Ray, Washington

Maintaining an erection has always been difficult for me – even when I was in my twenties. I guess I’ve always suffered from ED. I just wish I’d tried Viagra sooner. Brian, Montana

My name is Phil and I’ve tried the magic pill. I’m using it still and it doesn’t make me feel ill. Hmmm. I guess I’m not a poet after all, but I will say that I’m one happy man! ‘Erectile Dysfunction’ are words no man wants to say, but for me, it was a reality Worst of all, I’m not even approaching middle age. I’m not making a pun when I say that ED made me feel really small. Enter generic Viagra – seriously – the ‘real’ thing is ridiculously expensive! I was more than happy with the results. So is my partner of the last 5 years. Phil, NYC

My name might stand for original sin, but I haven’t even managed to be naughty until I started taking Sildenafil. Adam, Colorado

My partner and I used to enjoy sex so much. Then I started to have erectile problems. My partner said it was OK, but I didn’t think so. Things got really uncomfortable and I was very depressed about the whole situation. Taking Viagra isn’t as much of a drastic step as I thought it would be. I didn’t even experience any side-effects. It was as simple as taking a tab about half an hour before it was time for action. I’m more than happy to have my Mojo back. My partner is tired out, but equally happy. Life has a new savour. Kenneth, Newport USA

My wife can’t believe the difference in me since I started taking generic Viagra, and nor can I! Try it! Scott, Alaska

No jokes about how cold it is here, please. It wasn’t the weather that was making it scary to get involved in sexual situations, it was my inability to maintain an erection. One minute it would be perfect, the next it would be a gigantic flop. Nothing that I or my partner could do could make me ready for fully satisfying sex. I knew my problem had to be a physical one, so I tried the first PDE5 inhibitor to be introduced for the treatment of ED – Viagra. Since I started using Viagra, I’m not only able to have sex. I’m able to have sex over and over again for as long as it lasts (about 6 hours). Andre, Alaska

Not being able to get an erection was a huge problem for me. I’m newly married and I was hoping to start a family, but without sex, no family is going to get started. My wife suggested that I try Viagra and for no reason at all I was very reluctant to do so. Now that I have, I won’t be looking back. The family isn’t there yet, but my wife and I are working on it! Lance, Kentucky

One cowboy back in the saddle! Terry, TX USA

One of the smallest states and one of the smallest… Not anymore! Jack, West Virginia

One vital element was lacking from my life. Now I’m complete again. That’s down to generic Viagra that I can actually afford! Doug, Alabama

Sex used to be a total let-down. I used to feel stupid just for trying. Now I’m ready for anything thanks to generic Viagra. Ron, Germany

Thanks for the boost to my confidence that I got thanks to your generic Viagra product. I’ll admit to being a ‘guy about town’, but my casual dates are even happier than I am! Harry G, Newfoundland

Thanks so much for changing my life and giving my confidence a much-needed boost. My sex life has never been so good. Ron, Florida

We all know that erectile dysfunction is a physical thing and you shouldn’t feel like less of a man because of it, blah blah. Sadly, knowing this didn’t stop me from feeling lower than shark doings when John Thomas didn’t want to co-operate. Worst of all, I had a new partner that I so wanted to impress with my prowess, but no ‘prow’ was in the offing. What could I do? Viagra! I’m told it doesn’t work for everyone, but it sure worked for me! I was hoping for one good erection, but instead, I ended up having a breather and then finding that I was ready to go again. Doug, Wisconsin

Well, as you’ll have guessed, I didn’t try it myself – but my husband did! We’d got to the point where I ever so understood if he couldn’t get it up. He was more like ‘ever so frustrated’, so he got some Viagra online (too shy to go to the doctor, I ask you!) and we made a hot date for THE night when he’d try it. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t expecting anything out of the ordinary but… Once we got started it was like one, two three go! As to how that went, I leave that up to the imagination. Sufficient to say that both of us were extremely satisfied with the results. Joanne, Cleveland

What a difference! I’m able to enjoy sex again thanks to generic Viagra – and it doesn’t hit my pocket book too hard either. Andre, Arkansas

When I was in my twenties, all I need was for the wind to blow in the right direction and I’d have a raging hard-on. As time went on, getting hard became more and more of a process until it simply wasn’t happening for me anymore. Oh, I’d be panting away, eager to make the two backed beast, but the vital organ wasn’t doing anything much. What would you do? I tried Viagra. I didn’t even tell my partner. What if it didn’t work? Here’s the meat of the matter: it worked like crazy! I wasn’t just able to have sex, I was able to have repeated sex. I’m sticking with Viagra. George, Tennessee

You might be wondering if these generics are for real at this price. They are. Take my word for it. I’m one happy customer! Carl, Michigan

You’ll probably never know how much to means to me to be able to make love with confidence again. There are no words. Art, Vermont

Yup, Oregon is where the wood comes from, but my ‘woody’ wasn’t any too rigid before trying Viagra. Now I’m a manly man again! Don, Oregon

Buy Best Viagra At Online Pharmacy

Now that you know a little more about generic Viagra, you may have decided it’s time to purchase some. On this website, you’ll find a wide selection of generic Viagra pills for men. Dosages include the 25 mg Super Active, the 50 mg, and 100 mg Sildenafil. 150 mg and 200 mg Sildenafil are also available for those requiring extra strength. There are chewable soft tabs as well.

If tablets and pills are not your thing, check out our Hard On Oral Jelly, containing 100 mg of sildenafil. Our Super Viagra combines Sildenafil (for erection) with Dapoxetine (to help with premature ejaculation) for a super long and hard experience.

Don’t forget our Female Viagra, the pink pill for the ladies, which is 100 mg of flibanserin.

It’s all available here without a prescription, plus we offer fast shipping and free samples with every order. It’s easy to browse the site. Each selection offers dosage info and customer ratings for ease in selecting the product that is right for you.

Some current offerings at viabestbuy.com:

Product Name Dosage Main Ingredient Prescription
Viagra 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg Sildenafil Citrate No
Viagra Soft 100 mg Sildenafil Citrate No
Super Viagra 100 mg Sildenafil Citrate No
Female Viagra Flibanserin No

Generic Viagra Reviews Takeaways

Apart from Viagra and its generics, Cialis and Levitra can also be used to treat erectile dysfunction. However, Viagra 100 mg contains the most tried and tested active ingredient since it has been on the market for the longest period of time. Since Viagra has proved highly effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, it’s a good place to start. If it doesn’t work well or you experience side effects, you can try other drugs to see if they are more suitable for your system.

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We are inviting you to share your personal experience of using Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate). Send it to us by email and use your discount coupon code REVIEW30 for $30 off your order.