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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

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    Unbeatable prices

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    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: April, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Saturday 2 Nov

    Boost your sexual confidence!


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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

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    Verified reviews only

    Unbeatable prices

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    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: April, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Saturday 2 Nov

    Boost your sexual confidence!


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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

    Advanced tracking tool

    Verified reviews only

    Unbeatable prices

    Full refunds

    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: April, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Saturday 2 Nov

    Boost your sexual confidence!

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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

    Advanced tracking tool

    Verified reviews only

    Unbeatable prices

    Full refunds

    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: April, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Saturday 2 Nov

    Boost your sexual confidence!

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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

    Advanced tracking tool

    Verified reviews only

    Unbeatable prices

    Full refunds

    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: April, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Saturday 2 Nov

    Boost your sexual confidence!

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  • We make it affordable for everyone to take advantage of the benefits of generic ED medications from India by being 95-98% cheaper than the brand drug. But don't mistake low prices for inferior quality. We ensure that purity and potency of generics are consistent to that of the branded version.

    First class U.S. online pharmacy

    30 free samples with every order

    Secure 128-bit SSL payment

    FDA approved ED meds only

    Returning customer $25 off

    Discreet looking packages

    Dispatched within 2 hours

    7 days delivery to the U.S.

    Effective for 96% of men

    No prescription needed

    Advanced tracking tool

    Verified reviews only

    Unbeatable prices

    Full refunds

    Order like it’s Amazon

    Expiry date: April, 2027

    Estimated delivery: Saturday 2 Nov

    Boost your sexual confidence!

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Buy Viagra with Bitcoins

Bitcoin is one method of payment that does not block transactions, as it is not regulated by any country. You do not have to deal with any bank, credit card company, or payment processing service in order to buy Viagra with bitcoins.

Now you can buy generic forms of Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and similar drugs online with Bitcoin. This makes shopping online for both name brand and generic drugs much easier. Our online pharmacy, a major retailer of generic Viagra, has begun accepting Bitcoin as a payment method. We sell generic forms of Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra, produced in India, where these drugs are readily available in generic form, for about 3% of the price of these same drugs in the U.S.

We provide 100% money-back guarantees on our products. We don’t require you finding a prescription or dealing with insurance companies in order to get these generic drugs or hassle you about payments and co-pays. There is no reason to continuously pay high prices for drugs that are easily available at affordable rates elsewhere.

Bitcoin will help avoid payment intervention and allow people to purchase affordable generic drugs without fighting payment companies. And Bitcoin is anonymous and easy to use. Don’t wait until 2020 to get generic Viagra or similar medications, while the rest of the world already has them readily available. Now we’re going to explain how to buy Viagra with bitcoins and save 25%.

Generic Drugs and How They Affect U.S. Consumers

Generic drugs are, in every way but name, the exact same thing as brand name drugs. Typically, when a drug is developed, the company that developed it is allotted a patent for a certain amount of years so that it will be the only company legally allowed to produce it, which enables that company to recoup its expenses on research and development of the drug. Once a patent is expired, any pharmaceutical company can produce and sell the generic form of the drug, using its generic name. The actual composition and process of making the drug identical to the original name brand. Because any pharmaceutical company can produce it, the pricing on generic drugs is usually significantly cheaper than the price of brand name versions of the drug.

The Politics of Patents and Pricing in the U.S.

High pricing for drugs in the U.S. is a direct result of patent protection and government regulation on the production of drugs. So long as a company holds the patent on a drug, it is impossible for other companies to come out with a cheaper generic version until the patent expires. Oftentimes, brand-name drugs in the U.S. are priced even higher than those in other countries due to agreements between pharmaceutical companies and government regulators. Even drugs that are covered in part by insurance companies tend to cost more than they would elsewhere due to price markups. This makes it significantly cheaper to order the same drugs from sellers in other countries, where pricing and patent regulations are not the same.

Buy Viagra with Bitcoins

Currently, Pfizer’s patents for Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra expire between 2019 and 2020 in the U.S. This means that generic versions of these drugs could be cheaper in coming years. In the meantime though, Americans are paying much higher prices for brand name and generic drugs than they would in other countries. The system in place for granting patents and monitoring the sale of drugs from outside the U.S. is widely considered corrupt and unjust. While the rest of the world is able to buy affordable generics, Americans are stuck paying extremely high prices for drugs that are produced everywhere. The agreements between pharmaceutical companies and regulators victimize Americans who simply want affordable generic drugs.

Patents granted in the U.S. are only good in the U.S. It is possible to get patents in other countries, though the process, fees, and expirations vary. This means that the patent for a certain drug might expire in anther country (or never exist in the first place) while there are still many years left on a patent in the U.S. This means it is perfectly legal for companies in other countries to produce and sell generic forms of drugs. Naturally, there is greater demand in the U.S. for generic drugs than other countries, because Americans are so often stuck paying for name brands. These generics may be available and widely used in countries like Canada or the U.K. and are readily available for purchase in stores there and online. Many of these drugs are FDA approved, completely safe, and used regularly in other countries, especially those that have socialized healthcare systems – and therefore cheaper and more generic prescription drugs than the U.S.

Blocking Purchases for Generic Drugs Online

It may seem as though a simple solution to the issues associated with patents and pricing on drugs would be to order them online from countries where these patents have already expired, never existed, or where prices are lower to begin with. However, the process of payment intervention has prevented this in recent years. Payment intervention is when companies that manage online payment transactions block the purchase of certain items due to legal restrictions in the country their customers are in.

Credit companies like Visa and MasterCard and online payment services like PayPal are some of the most common companies to block exchanges in the U.S. Many online pharmaceutical drug sellers, even those that are used and trusted in other countries, are blocked to Americans due to patent restrictions. While it may have been possible to use online payment methods like PayPal and Apple Pay before, it is getting increasingly difficult to find a method that is not blocked. This is, in many ways, unfair to Americans. Affordable, useful (sometimes necessary) drugs are difficult to find, and insurance companies often are of little help.

Bitcoin is Alternative Solution to Buy Viagra with Bitcoins

Because of payment intervention, people are always looking for new methods of purchasing generic drugs online. E-checks and wire transfers tend to rarely be blocked, however, they are also not always the safest forms of payment. Both of these methods mean linking directly to your bank and are not always heavily protected. And of course, purchasing from other countries means having to deal with exchange rates, another difficult element of wire transfers and E-checks. Many are, understandably, hesitant to use these payment methods to purchase generic drugs online. Remember, when you buy Viagra with bitcoins, you save 25%!

Online pharmacy. Pay for Viagra with Bitcoin

Bitcoin is one method of payment that does not block transactions, as it is not regulated by any country. Bitcoin is a type of digital currency that is stored and managed online in a virtual wallet. You can manage a Bitcoin wallet from your phone or have a computer access only account. To get Bitcoins, there are a number of services that will translate payment through credit cards, wire transfers, and checks. Bitcoins are becoming more readily accepted by many banks, credit card companies, and online vendors.

Bitcoins are the only currency that is not tied to any nation, making exchange rates or inflation risks nonexistent. They can be used to purchase goods easily all over the world, without dealing with money transfers or exchanges. Once you have converted money into Bitcoins, you do not have to deal with any bank, credit card company, or online payment processing service. Bitcoins are also completely anonymous, though of course if you’re purchasing something online, you’ll probably have to provide your name and contact details for orders. All these features make Bitcoin an ideal tool for selling and purchasing generic drugs online.

Get an additional 25% off when you buy Viagra with bitcoins. Just select Bitcoin as the payment method and you’re in for the Big Save. So, would you like to pay for Viagra with Bitcoin?