Vardenafil was first sold under the name “Levitra.” It’s a PDE5 inhibitor that’s very similar to the active ingredient in Viagra and was brought onto the market and online pharmacy ViaBestBuy as a competing product after the huge market success of Viagra. The mode of action is very similar, but Vardenafil testimonials and doctors’ evidence shows that the slight differences between the two drugs could mean that one is effective while the other is not depending on the constitution of the individual patient. So what Vardenafil testimonials are there from ordinary members of the public? We know that scientists say it’s effective in 95% of cases involving erectile dysfunction, but what does the man in the street say? Should you use Levitra or are generic brands as effective?

What Vardenafil Testimonials Are There From Real Users?

I had thought that my sex life was over once and for all, but I was amazed at the results I got from using Vardenafil. I’m not talking about one erection a night here, but one after the other as soon as I’ve had a little rest.Nate, New South Wales

I started off on a medium high dose, but I found that I got bad sinus congestion that was quite uncomfortable. I halved my dose and the medication still works, only this time without any sinus problems.James Swift, Miami

Hi! I’d like to share my Vardenafil testimonial. I’m 48 years old. I didn’t have a problem getting an erection, it just didn’t last long enough for me to finish. It was really frustrating and I started to avoid sex altogether. After reading Vardenafil Testimonials, I decided to give it a whirl. Results are brilliant! I didn’t have any side effects.Charles, CA

I started off on Viagra but got splitting headaches that went on for days on end. Then I tried Cialis and had horrible heart arrhythmia that was really scary. Last time lucky – Levitra or its generics work like a dream and don’t give me any side effects at all.Jack Phelps, USA

Here’s my Vardenafil or Levitra story. My marriage was falling apart because I couldn’t get an erection. My wife tried everything and then started to take it all personally. What a relief to discover that Vardenafil actually works for me. My wife’s happy again, and so am I!Andy R, US

My husband used to use Viagra, but the effects didn’t last long enough for either of us, so he changed to a Levitra generic – amazing results!Gillian, New Zealand

I’m not yet 40, but I’ve been having trouble getting an erection, possibly because of work stress. Anyway, I decided to try Vardenafil in the form of Levitra and I feel like I’m a new man. My sex life has never been better and I feel as if I could go on all night if need be.Mark, Washington DC

I’ve been using Levitra for a few years. The main problem I have with it is price. Then I discovered generics at a fraction of the price and amazingly, they work just as well. Now I can afford a holiday too!Jason Sutherland, UK

Cialis didn’t work for me and Viagra gave me a migraine. I wasn’t expecting any joy from Vardenafil, but I’m more than happy with the results. It works and I don’t get a headache as I did with Viagra.Dave W, Ontario

I’d like to share my Levitra experience. I couldn’t be happier. It works and it doesn’t give me any scary side effects. I have a bit of sinus congestion after using it, but it’s not overly painful.Harry Martin, Canada

Yes, it works. The important thing is to remember that you don’t actually need Levitra (which is very expensive). Generic medications that contain Vardenafil are saving me a fortune and I’m just as happy with my performance after using them.Johann, Salem

I’m in my early forties and after a period of being sexually inactive, I got involved with a really hot lady. Imagine my frustration when I found myself unable to maintain an erection. It was awful! My girlfriend was very nice about it, but that made it even worse for me. In desperation, I decided to try a generic medication containing Vardenafil that I found online. I’m happy to say it worked. Sex is good once again.Henri L, NH

I’m only 26, but I’ve got a few medical problems and they’re responsible for me having trouble with my erections. It just doesn’t happen. I was feeling pretty despondent until I read vardenafil testimonials and decided it had to be worth a try. I saw my doctor first, but it hasn’t given me any side effects despite my medical problems. Everything’s working very nicely now.Victor S, UK

I’m a fit forty-something. Imagine my shock when I began to suffer from erectile issues. The first time, no big deal. The second time, well, perhaps it was just a bad day, but it just kept on happening until I was too worried about the problem to initiate sex. With Vardenafil aka Levitra, I can really get on with it again!Hugh James, UK

More Vardenafil Testimonials

I don’t care what anyone says. Being able to get a decent erection and enjoy sex is vital to health and happiness. Being in my seventies, I was regretfully prepared to say ‘goodbye’ to this part of my life and was thrilled when I discovered I didn’t have to. You can be a stud at any age as long as you can get a good erection. Vardenafil does that for me.Happy Again, Los Angeles

My partner and I have always enjoyed sex, but recently, he began to have trouble getting a hard enough erection and we’d end up cuddling instead. I’m happy to report that trying Vardenafil is the best move we ever made. Things are perfect now.Annie K, UK

As a diabetic, I’ve been having erectile issues for years. I thought I’d just have to live with it, but Levitra has changed all that. Now I’m ready for action within an hour or less after taking my tablet.Ashley Davis, US

I get a bit of a flush after using Vardenafil pills, but who cares? I’m having a great time! Sexy at 50, Texas

I may be over 50, but that doesn’t mean I’m dead yet. I’ve become a lot livelier since I started taking Levitra and my wife who is ten years younger than me has trouble keeping up. I, on the other hand, can now ‘keep it up’ for as long as I like.Charles, Michigan

I notice that a lot of people here found that reducing their dose helps with side effects. On the other side of the coin, increasing your dose can work if the product wasn’t effective. I wasn’t pleased with the results after taking 10mg doses, but after doubling up and taking 20mg, I’m a happy camper.Danny G, Australia

Levitra worked miracles for me but was costing me a bomb. Nowadays, I use the Vardenafil generics and they’re just as good. Save yourself a packet!Joseph, UK

Vardenafil Personal Experience Takeaways

The three foremost drugs in the treatment of erectile dysfunction are Levitra, Viagra, and Cialis. Levitra is as good as Viagra and uses a similar type of ingredient. There’s also the benefit of being able to take Levitra with food and alcohol. If you experienced side effects with Viagra, it is possible that you would not experience them with Levitra, and if you have not used drugs for erectile dysfunction before, Levitra is as good a place as any to begin. If it doesn’t work for you, you can still try Cialis and Viagra.

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