Marijuana ambiguously affects erectile function. It can help solve some sexual problems, but can also lead to impotence. How? Read further in the article below.
Tribulus for ED and Weak Erection
Men with erectile dysfunction (further referred to as ED) usually use Viagra or similar drugs to return their virility. Some of them are not satisfied with its side effects or can’t take it in normal dosages due to particular health issues.
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How Do Impotence and Divorce Related
Most men who start dating again after a divorce may experience erectile problems with a new partner. Sex experts determine this condition as a natural reaction of a male body to new physical relationships. Let’s find out how to cope with it and improve your abilities in the shortest time possible.
Horny Goat Weed Side Effects, Contraindications and Interactions
The media often exaggerates the effect of ED (here and below – erectile dysfunction) on sexual lives and raises psychological complexes in men. Don’t let them create doubt in your mind: there are a lot of effective medications for this condition which provide you with prolonged and stable erections.
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Interactive Doll Samantha Was Broken After Huge Numbers of Visitors at Austrian Electronic Fair
We do not know if this story belongs to the category “fun stories”, or it is the discernible sign that people lose all humanity they had before, but you can judge yourself.
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Splitting Pills: a Safe Way to Cut Costs
Under certain circumstances, pill-splitting can be convenient. It helps to save money on medications, what seems to be a considerable benefit for most patients. However, it can be a risky business, which may lead to serious clinical consequences if done incorrectly.
N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid Effects and Benefits
Initially designed for bodybuilders, N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid, or NMDA, is known as one of the popular supplements for testosterone enhancement which helps sportsmen to gain muscle mass faster and burn fats at the same time.
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Effects of Beets on Libido and Erection
Most of the men suffering from erectile dysfunction are aware of the popular drugs that treat it. Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis occupy the best-selling positions in the industry and are worthwhile according to patients’ reviews. In some cases, a weak erection comes from other health issues, especially cardiovascular malfunctions.
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Avanafil Uses, Dosages, Side Effects and Reviews
Avanafil is the medication developed by the American company Vivus Inc. to treat an erectile dysfunction. It was approved by the US Food and Drugs Administration in 2012 and by European Medicines Agency in 2013, and became one of the most popular remedies for ED.
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From the Top to the Bottom: Harvey Weinstein Is Rapidly Losing His Reputation
An Oscar-winning producer was close to being the God of the film industry until the scandalous facts of his lewd behavior soaked into popular media. Those who have remained silent for ages finally decided to speak out.
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