If men consumed between 85 to 170 milligrams of caffeine daily, they could pose an approximate 42% less risk of erectile dysfunction! Order free ED samples & get it delivered by mail.
Every morning across the United States, coffee is used to wake up millions of individuals as they begin their working day. According to a new study, coffee could also perk up a man’s sex life and help keep it alive and well.
Researchers at the University of Texas conducted this study and, according to their findings, were able to conclude that there were fewer instances of erectile dysfunction in men who consumed caffeine in comparison to those who did not. However, this doesn’t mean that men should go out and drink a pot of coffee if they’re experiencing issues in the bedroom.
Upon further investigation, this study further also found that there was only one exception, and this was when men were diagnosed with diabetes. The lead author of this study is named Dr. David Lopez, who is an assistant professor at the University of Texas. He made note of the positive effects of caffeine on men who were hypersensitive, obese, and overweight. The researchers did make the discovery, though, that men with diabetes did not experience a reduction in their risk of erectile dysfunction when consuming caffeine.
The newest health conclusions regarding erectile dysfunction and caffeine
This University research does not conclusively prove, necessarily, there is a cause and effect regarding caffeine and its effect on erectile dysfunction. The experts do share the common belief, though, that the findings of the research do fall within the same lines of erectile dysfunction research conducted recently. The director at Mount Sinai Hospital is named Dr. Natan Bar-Charma. According to him, these study results are supportive of the position the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee most recently held.
Within these guidelines, it’s written that when the consumption of five cups of coffee per day occurs, it’s possible for an individual to experience a reduction in their risk for heart disease and type-2 diabetes. “Researchers at Harvard tracked over 100,000 people for about 20 years, concentrating on a four-year period. They found that people who increased their coffee intake by over one cup per day had an 11% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes,” according to George T. Krucik, MD, MBA of Healthline.com. Medical experts have stated that each of these conditions, with regards to erectile dysfunction, pose significant risk factors.
When the researchers were conducting this University of Texas study, they scrutinized data gathered from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from over 3,700 men. Each participant filled out a response to questions focusing on how much caffeine they consumed within the last 24 hour period. Through an examination of the survey results, most of the men concluded that their caffeine intake was between two to three cups on average daily.
These findings have shown to possibly reduce a man’s risk of erectile dysfunction significantly. According to the results of the study, if men consumed between 85 to 170 milligrams of caffeine daily, they could pose an approximate 42% less risk. This is in comparison to a man who drank between zero and seven milligrams of caffeine daily. There is an approximately 39% less chance of a man experiencing erectile dysfunction issues if he drinks between 171 and 303 milligrams of caffeine on a daily basis.
Drinking coffee has health benefits
Those who participated in the study didn’t just drink coffee. For example, the men participating also drank other caffeinated beverages including soda, sports drinks, and tea. It’s the belief of the researchers that relaxation of the muscles and the blood vessels occur in the penis, thus allowing for the reduction of erectile dysfunction risk when drinking caffeine. These effects makes it easier for men to achieve an erection because their blood flow is improved. Another interesting health benefit to drinking coffee is its ability to lower a man’s risk of death.
According to James Demedeiros of Men’s Health, “The greatest reduction of death risk was 12% in the group drinking four to five cups. Know your limit: five cups.” As a side note, do not drink alcohol as a means of “coming down” from drinking too much caffeine. Otherwise, you’ll be causing another problem in the bedroom while attempting to solve another. It’s been proven that drinking too much alcohol could lead to erectile dysfunction. Therefore, unless it’s one or two glasses of wine to help set the mood, it’s best to abstain.
There are more experts who are in agreement with this study’s results. The Chair of Urology at Lenox Hill Hospital is Dr. David Samadi. He’s concluded that there is more research that must be done. However, he does believe it seems that the smooth muscle tissue found in the penis does become relaxed as the result of drinking caffeine. He has made note that, when this smoothening occurs, an improvement in blood flow also occurs simultaneously to a man’s genitals. When a man’s genitalia receives adequate blood flow, improved erectile function is the result.
The journal POS One is where this study first appeared in online. In the United States, according to background research that was conducted, approximately 18% of men who are at least 20 years of age or older are affected by erectile dysfunction.
The bottom line
When you partake in your next cup of coffee, think about its health benefits and what it could be doing to help your body. In addition to fueling you up regarding your energy needs, it could be helping you in the bedroom.. This information is particularly useful for those who are worried that the symptoms of erectile dysfunction could eventually become their reality. Not only will this increase in caffeine intake help you keep you sharp and focused throughout the day, but you’ll also feel more invigorated in the bedroom. It’s important, though, to remember not to drink too much caffeine to avoid adverse effects. It’s true that you can have too much of a good thing, so be careful. That way, you’re maintaining optimal personal health while preserving your sexual health.
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