In an online landscape full of different e-commerce stores looking to sell you “new and life-changing” products it can be hard to separate those that are trustworthy from the rest. Even if you have experience buying medications online, often the only way to test the quality of an online pharmacy’s medication is to try it for yourself. The good news is that a few forward-thinking websites are finding better ways to simplify the process for those buying their pills.

Customer reviews, testimonials, comments and stories of personal experience are becoming more and more of a necessity, even for top-tier tablet producers like Cipla. It’s a good thing for those who are still unsure of what brand to invest their money into and makes it easier than ever to get their hands on Levitra, Tadalafil tablets, or any of the other in-demand products of the day.

Take a look at some of the customer reviews listed below, and find out for yourself where the best place to buy new and effective drugs is.

What Generic Cialis Reviews Are There From Real Users?

Cialis works. You can quote me on that. Nigel, Indianapolis

Don’t think twice. Just try it. Wal, El Paso

ED affects your life in ways you don’t even realise until you don’t have problems any more. Cialis has given me a new lease of life and some really good memories! Piers, Tulsa

ED isn’t life-threatening, but it sure makes one feel miserable and depressed. It’s great being able to initiate sex with confidence again. I read a lot about side-effects, but I didn’t have any problems to speak of. Ray, Aurora

Excellent price for Cialis. Claude, New York

Excellent product. Well worth getting. Scott, San Antonio

Excellent, quick and long-lasting results. Dean, Baltimore

Had a bit of muscle pain when I was using half a tablet, so I changed to a quarter. No more pain and it works as well as the half tablet did. Gary, Mesa

Happy days! My sex life is back on track – maybe even better than before and I’m feeling confident and strong thanks to my Cialis. I also like the fact that you only need to use it every second day. Dennis, Arlington

I feel like I’m in my twenties again! Felix, Houston

I got a bonus of a different kind when I started using Cialis. It’s been more than ten years since I first started having problems with ED. I’ve also suffered from depression for much of my adult life. The anti-depressants all had terrible side effects and I can’t use them. I thought I was going to be both floppy and depressed forever. I decided to treat my ED with Cialis, and it worked – but there was something else. I had fewer and fewer dark moods and feelings of hopelessness. Then I discovered that some men find it helpful in relieving depression too. Bonus! Richard, San Antonio

I got my Cialis quickly and it worked even faster. Lucas, San Francisco

I had a bad experience with Viagra, but Cialis is different – at least – for me. I’m very happy with the results and will continue to use it. It sure has added new spice to my life. Eric, Oakland

I had some reservations about using Cialis, but now I’m only sorry that I didn’t try it sooner. I rely on it and so far, it hasn’t ever let me down at an awkward moment. Steven, New Orleans

I have type 2 diabetes and its having its effect on my ability to get an erection. I read up on everything before I started. Some people say they suffer from cramps after using Cialis, so I was a bit nervous. In the end, the only thing I noticed was a bit of a stuffy nose – a price well worth paying to revive my flagging sex-life. Just a few minutes of foreplay and I’m ready to go. I’m lasting longer too. One tablet seems to work well for two days. I don’t use it all the time because of the stuffy nose, but whenever I use it, I have no worries about my performance. George, Charlotte

I never had trouble with my erections as such, but after being prescribed Cialis for my Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, I’m definitely getting harder erections that last longer than ever before. As for the BPH, it’s noticeably better than before. Here’s the weird thing, even though I didn’t have ED, I’d still keep taking my Cialis, even if I didn’t have BPH. Seriously, the effect is quite spectacular. I can see that this medication would really make a difference to anyone with ED – after all, they’ve made a difference to me and I didn’t even have issues. Now I’d keep taking it just because I’ve got better sexual stamina than I had before. Joe, Dallas

I started having ED issues at around 40. I tried all sorts of things. I stopped drinking, I tried to spice up my sex life in all the usual ways in the hope that it would revive me, but it kept on getting worse. I eventually went to a doctor about it and he prescribed Cialis. There was only one problem – my medical insurance wouldn’t cover it. I loved the effect of the tablets on my body, but I was not loving what it was doing to my household budget. Then I came across your website and tried the generic. It was so cheap that I was just about sure it couldn’t possibly be the real thing, but it is! Richard, Chicago

I started using Cialis for my BPH and oh boy! I’m loving the ‘side effects’. I didn’t have ED to begin with, but I can’t help noticing an improvement down South. Joe, Anaheim

I started with the lowest dose to see how it worked. Right first time. I won’t increase my dose because my Cialis is working very well on my current dose. Larry, Omaha

I subscribe to the theory that ED gets worse as time goes on because you start losing all your confidence. The only thing that breaks the cycle is a really good, trustworthy erection. Cialis has really got me out of the rut. Albert, Lexington

I tried Viagra. What did I get? A splitting headache and blue-tinged vision. I tried Levitra with similar results. My head would ache so badly that it didn’t seem worth going through the pain just to get an erection. By the time I got around to trying Cialis, I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to find an ED medication that didn’t make me feel like death warmed over, but I decided to cover all the bases anyway. It’s a good thing I did. I don’t get side effects with Cialis – although I hear that some people do and are ok with Viagra. Chris, Austin

I used to get ok erections. Then I stopped getting them altogether. Now that I use Cialis, I get brilliant erections. I really wish I had known what it could do for me sooner. Pete, Toledo

I used to get quite good erections, but they didn’t last long enough. Now that I’m using Cialis, I don’t have to worry about disappointing myself or my partner by going soft during sex. Kevin, Tucson

I was having a bit of a rough time with my ED. I’d struggle to get an erection and that affected my libido. Then it would be even more difficult to get an erection and I was ready to give up on the whole idea. I was so depressed about it. Seriously! I just didn’t feel like a man any more. Then I started using Cialis after Levitra only sort-of worked for me. I got brilliant results. I felt like a new man and I still do. I guess I’ll just keep on using it! If you’re thinking of trying it, I would recommend that you go ahead! John, Los Angeles

I’d just like to say that this is a miracle pill. If, like me, you experience some side effects the first time you try it, don’t just give up. I almost did, but then I tried halving my dose and it was perfect. It still worked exactly as it’s supposed to, but I didn’t get any flushing or aches and pains any more. The pills are so tiny, I can hardly believe that a half dose can have such an amazing effect on my body – I have such confidence now. I can take my time and enjoy myself again. I’m going to stay with Cialis all the way. Will, Philadelphia

I’m a fit 47 year old, so it came as quite a shock when I started to regularly lose my erection during sex. I’m happy to say that Cialis really worked very well for me, and I recommend it to anyone who would like to try. Matt, Long Beach

I’m absolutely satisfied with my Cialis. If you’re thinking of trying it, go ahead. Just make sure your bed’s strong enough first! (Blush) Frank, Raleigh

I’m enjoying every aspect of living more now that I’m using Cialis. Stuart, Detroit

I’m in my fifties and I’ve been using Cialis for a few months now. I just take half a tablet every second day. I got a new partner and I was hoping for fireworks, but everything fizzled out because I wasn’t able to get a proper erection. I really wanted to have sex, but it wasn’t working out. After hearing all the jokes about Viagra, I didn’t feel like using it – maybe I thought the jokes were too funny and didn’t want to be a joke myself. I tried Levitra instead, but I was disappointed with the results. Maybe it’s just not right for me. Then I tried Cialis and it worked really well from the word ‘go’. I’m happy, and my new partner is thrilled Thomas, San Jose

I’m more than happy with Cialis and very pleased with the quality and service I found with this online pharmacy. They are completely above board and were very helpful when I sent in some enquiries. Scott, Miami

More Generic Cialis Reviews

I’m not going to give you any details about what happened the first time I took Cialis because it would verge on the pornographic. Good stuff though! Jeff, Cleveland

I’m not just happy with Cialis. I’m in seventh heaven! At last I can give the kind of performance I always wanted to but never could. No nasty effects for me. Harry, Stockton

I’m very happy with my generic Cialis. Blake, Dallas

I’ve been using Cialis for two months now, but I haven’t had any problems with it. In fact, I’m more than pleased with the results I’m getting. I was prescribed Cialis for my BPH which is definitely improving, but the best thing about it is how hard I get these days. I didn’t actually have ED, but it was a huge improvement in my ‘normal’ erection’s hardness and frequency that has me grinning every time I reach for my Cialis. I like this particular ‘side effect’ so much that I’d use Cialis even if I didn’t have BPH or ED. Ken, Fort Worth

I’ve been using Cialis since it was first released on the market. It works very well, but it’s also VERY expensive. Then I discovered generic Cialis, checked things out a bit and decided to see if it worked as well as the original. I have to say, I notice no difference whatsoever between the effects I get from my generic and how the original version worked. The only really big difference is the price. Maybe I’ll use the money I save on my generics to take my partner for a naughty weekend! Guys, don’t waste your money on expensive brand name products. We are being ripped off. Mark, San Francisco

I’ve had ED for years and thought I just had to live with it. I got involved with a new partner and wanted to consummate the relationship, so I decided to try Cialis and I won’t be looking back. Josh, Wichita

I’ve tried all the ED drugs, but in my opinion, Cialis is the best one. I found that I achieved the longest lasting erections with Cialis. Tim, Colorado Springs

If I’d known I could Cialis here, I would have started sooner. Gene, Phoenix

If you haven’t suffered from ED before, you might think that this is just a forum for boasting about the hardness of erections, but I can fully understand how excited men get when the ‘old man’ starts co-operating after years of flabby erections. It was like that for me too. I thought it wasn’t ever going to be good for anything other than stirring my tea, so I was more than pleased when everything started working as it should again. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. Of course, that would have made the neighbours think I’d gone nuts, so luckily I didn’t, but I can shout it here, ‘CIALIS WORKS!’ Dan, Indianapolis

It works every time. I didn’t have any side-effects. I can get multiple erections during the 36 hours it keeps working, so I don’t have to plan when I should take my pill. I just take it and forget about it. Jason, Fresno

It works well for hardness and I’m having more intense orgasms now too. I suppose that’s because I’m so much harder than before. I also like that it works for a full two days at a time. Brian, Milwaukee

Just because I’m over 65 doesn’t mean that I’ve lost interest in sex. In fact, now that I don’t have to work long hours every day, I spend more time than ever thinking about it. One of the worst things about ageing is the loss of Mojo. It was making me feel like a has-been and I’m not the kind of person to take that lying down. So I shopped around a bit and decided that Cialis might be just what I was looking for. It was! My partner is only 45, but I have no problems keeping up sexually. Don, Columbus

Life is good. I’m happy, my partner’s happy and my pocketbook loves the low prices I can get at your pharmacy. Laugh if you like, but I just can’t bear the thought of getting this locally. I can just imagine the pharmacist saying ‘HERE’S YOUR CIALIS’ really loudly! Roger, Santa Ana

My partner and I see sex as a very important part of our relationship, so when I started having trouble with ED using medication made sense. I tried Viagra first, and it worked, but I used to have terribly blocked nose whenever I used it. No such problem with Cialis. I also like the fact that it lasts longer, so I’m ready for action without having to check if it’s more than so many hours after taking it. If I use it every day, I’m basically ready for action at any time. That’s cool, because now sex can be spontaneous. James, New York

My wife didn’t understand my ED at all. She thought I must be having an affair or else I just didn’t get turned on around her any more. She was all set to pack in the marriage – she had no idea that I was suffering too. I decided to take the plunge and at least try medication. I didn’t say anything to her about it. I just too my Cialis and waited. Then I gave her a huge surprise. She was absolutely thrilled and now that our sex life is back on track, there’s been no more talk of divorce. Michael, Houston

My wife suggested that I try Cialis because she was missing the great sex we used to have. It’s one of the best pieces of advice she ever gave me! Andy, Pittsburgh

One thing that no-one seems to have mentioned yet here is that you’re not only able to get an erection – that would be good enough – but then you get another and another. It’s like being in my twenties again. I get a reaction even if I start thinking about sex. Believe me, I’m not complaining! Neither is my partner. I’m like the energiser bunny these days. Being able to get repeat erections is definitely more than I ever expected and the effect lasts for ages. Now that I’m using Cialis I have new confidence and a great sex life. Dave, Phoenix

People can say what they like about pharma and how it’s better to do things the natural way. I won’t ever agree. I tried all sorts of things to solve my erectile problems. I must have tried every weird herbal supplement and ginseng enriched potion on the market. Maybe they were good for me, but they sure as hell didn’t work. I spent a fortune on the things and didn’t get what I wanted from them. Very reluctantly, I tried Cialis. I’m a changed man and I’ll never be reluctant to use my Cialis again. Wish I’d started with it in the first place. Paul, Jacksonville

Seriously effective, and I only need half a tablet. Owen, Jacksonville

Sex has always been important to me, so I was devastated when the flag was only flying at half-mast most of the time. These days, it’s as perky as you please, and that’s thanks to Cialis. Sam, Saint Paul

Thank you very much for a great generic. My Cialis is as good as the more expensive version that I used to take. In time, it will add up to a huge saving, and I don’t have to give up on my pills to do it. Greg, Bakersfield

The first time I tried Cialis, I felt a bit flushed, but it wasn’t overly uncomfortable, and since then I haven’t had any side-effects when I use Cialis. Ryan, Tampa

There’s a lot to be said for the idea of getting your Cialis is a nice, anonymous envelope. I’d like to add that my experience, both with the pharmacy and with the generic Cialis have been excellent. Jon, Corpus Christi

This is a life-changing medication. I can’t say if it will work for you (apparently there are other medications you can try if it doesn’t), but it sure worked for me. It’s not just that I know I can have sex again, it’s the whole quality of the experience. I don’t have to worry about losing my erection, so I’ve got much more confidence than before and I swear my erections are bigger and harder than they’ve ever been before which is great for my partner too. I had got to the point where I didn’t think I would be able to have truly satisfying sex again, but that’s changed. Steve, Detroit

This is to let younger guys know that anyone can suffer from ED. I’m only 25, and I’ve never been able to maintain an erection for long. That made me anxious and that wasn’t helping any either. I thought about taking Viagra, but while I was researching about it, I saw that Cialis has a much longer effect. I’m quite an impulsive person, so having to take my meds 30 minutes before sex doesn’t suit me. With Cialis, I can do it all and I get rock-hard erections that last and last. I can also have sex anytime I like. Charles, San Diego

Try Cialis. It works. Chip, Oklahoma City

Unbelievable! Harder erections, more frequent erections, longer lasting erections, better orgasms – and the effect lasts for days. I feel like a real stud these days. I just take it every second day and I’m always ready for action. Keith, Anchorage

Unlike many guys, I never got around to giving my parts a nickname. They just weren’t spectacular enough. Now that I’m using Cialis, I think the time has come for a christening! Jack, Riverside

Viagra was fine, but I liked the idea of something that lasted a bit longer. Cialis is having an even better effect on me, with harder erections than ever before. Ed, Virginia Beach

Wow! That’s all I can say. My partner was saying ‘wow’ too, although not in so many words! I was using Levitra before, but I think I’m even harder with Cialis. Anthony, Portland

Does Generic Cialis Work – Reviews and Testimonials

CialisIndian pharmacies like specialize in offering large selections of generic meds to men all over the world who need them most. Generic have proven effectiveness for a wide variety of conditions like Erectile Dysfunction and BPH, leaving millions all across the globe satisfied. What’s more, you can find them in just about every variety you could hope for, including Cialis Super Active, Cialis Black, Cialis Professional and all of your other favorites. Cialis reviews are a great tool for those looking to try this medication for the first time. See what men just like you have to say.

Cialis Dosages Reviews

Cialis and Levitra come with recommended starter doses of 20 mg to 40 mg, while a good beginner level of Viagra is between 25 mg and 50 mg. However, there is a wide range of other options for new users to consider, which can all have drastically different effects. Cialis Black 800 mg will be perfect for those seeking a maximum dosage while 10 mg to 30 mg pills for daily use sit comfortably on the other end of the spectrum.

Seeing which of these options work best for you is all about having the chance to try them first hand. Hearing what results other users have experienced with their own dosages should be an indispensable part of any decision.

What People Think About Different Cialis Forms?

Cialis BlackThere are many different Cialis forms that are available for men to choose from today, including Cialis black, liquid, soft, sublingual, oral jelly, female, chewable, and more. The reason for the selection is to accommodate the professional and recreational needs of different users, allowing them to gain extra strength, fast action, or a simpler way to take the medication.

In fact, the selection of different Cialis varieties continue to grow year after year, as the needs of buyers continues to diversify. And while the sheer variety may seem overwhelming, getting a grip on all of the different options is just as simple as turning to those who have had the opportunity to try for themselves.

Cialis Side Effects Testimonials

The strength of the side effects you experience will depend largely on your dosage of choice. While small, daily doses of around 5 mg or 20 mg might not come with any negative effects, much larger ones may. Especially if you choose a dose of 60 mg or 100 mg Cialis, staying tuned-in to the harmful effects should definitely be made a priority.

Side effects are a part of just about any medication, and knowing how to deal with them best is a challenge faced by men looking to combat their ED proactively. See some of the top side effects, and how other buyers have handled them right here:

Throat irritation Infrequent
Arm or leg pain Infrequent
Indigestion Infrequent
Chest pain Rare
Fast heartbeat Rare

Viagra vs Cialis Customer Reviews

ReviewsLong-term buyers of ED meds have been comparing Viagra vs Tadalafil vs Levitra for years, stacking up the unique pros and cons of each to see which works best for them. While the right choice ultimately comes down to user preference, there are a number of important differences to be aware of.

Specifically, Cialis and Levitra are better suited to those who would rather take their medication with food, while Viagra is better experienced on an empty stomach. Cialis is also the fastest-acting of these three, with effects that reach their full power in just 30 minutes, while Viagra and Levitra can take up to a full hour in some cases.

Cialis vs Levitra Reviews and Stories

If buyers are hoping to look past the most popular ED medication, Viagra, then the other two options leave plenty of unique benefits to be explored. But when it comes down to Cialis vs Levitra, which comes out on top?

One important difference to be aware of is that Cialis stays active in the user’s system for much longer than Levitra, up to 36 hours. Aside from this, many of the important differences between the two come down to side effects. While some users may experience a congested nose with one, the other may show little to no effect.

The Best Place to Buy Cialis

Online StoreTaking all of the customer feedback into account, there is really only one place to go for your next fix of Cialis. is the home of all the satisfied customers listed above, and counting yourself among them could just mean a few more clicks to place an order. The key to’s success is the combination of low prices, expedient service, and quality products that they serve on a consistent basis. Try it for yourself and see what all the hype is about!