Generic Cialis vs Viagra: The Benefits and Side Effects

Generic Cialis vs Viagra: The Benefits and Side Effects

When searching for erectile dysfunction tablets online, the majority of men will think of Viagra, the brand name for the drug Sildenafil. However, there are currently a wide range of erectile dysfunction tablets available on the market that you may prefer. For instance, Cialis, the brand name of the drug Tadalafil, is another pill that you may not even have heard of, but that could more suitable for you. To ensure you find the most effective and cheapest erectile dysfunction tablets online, listed below is a comparison of generic Cialis vsΒ Viagra:

Cialis vs Viagra –Which lasts longer?

If you take Viagra you will begin to feel its effects within 30 minutes, and you can expect the effects of the drug to last for up to six hours. Alternatively, once you have taken a Cialis 5 mg pill you will begin to feel the effects within 15 to 20 minutes and these effects can last for up to 36 hours. Consequently, many men prefer to take Cialis than Viagra because it is faster acting and taking it requires less planning due to the longer duration of its effects.

Cialis vs Viagra – How do you take each pill?

Whereas generic Viagra tablets are best taken on an empty stomach because food can slow the absorption rate of the drug and reduce its effectiveness, Cialis 40 mg tablets can be taken with or without food without impacting the efficiency of the drug. However, regardless of whether you take Viagra or Cialis tablets you should avoid eating grapefruit, because it can adversely impact how the drugs within each tablet function.

What are the side effects of each generic drug?

The Cialis and Viagra side effects are extremely similar, with some men reporting facial flushing, headaches, indigestion and stuffy or runny noses after consuming each drug. The main difference between Viagra andΒ Cialis side effects is the fact that Cialis 60mg, 40 and 5 mg side effects will be more prolonged than those experienced by taking Viagra due to the fact that it is a longer lasting drug.

Cialis vs Viagra – Conclusion

At the end of the day, both Cialis and Viagra are highly effective erectile dysfunction tablets with high success rates and minimal side effects. Although Cialis is faster acting and longer lasting than Viagra, it all depends on which drug works best for you. For this reason, it is recommended that you try out different types of erectile dysfunction tablets in order to find your most effective drug. Can’t choose? Read about Viagra and Levitra comparison.

So, whatΒ do you you think ofΒ Cialis vs Viagra? Join comments bellow!

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