Porn Leads to Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men

Porn Leads to Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men

Porn Leads to Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men

Sad news: erectile dysfunction strikes all age groups, including young men. Those who face the problem blame internet porn, while medical experts remain unsure about this supposition. What is harmful about porn movies, and where is the connection between them and erectile dysfunction? Let’s sort it out together.

In recent years, a lot of young men report their inability to get hard around a naked girl. Some of them also experience problems during their masturbation sessions, which make the issue increasingly acute.

The specific kind of impotence has been termed porn-induced erectile dysfunction (further referred to as PIED) because all those men considered themselves totally healthy, both physically and mentally.

What Does Actually Happen?

At first sight, there is no connection between porn and erectile dysfunction. However, almost all the surveyed men pointed to their passion for adult movies as a cause of their current condition. One after the other, they noticed a decline in their ability to achieve an erection before intercourse with a partner and, at one point, lost it completely.

Porn Leads to Erectile Dysfunction in Young MenSome of them decided to verify their health condition and applied for medical help. Doctors and psychologists usually couldn’t say what was wrong with their bodies: everything was just OK. Even Viagra couldn’t help in this case – the mechanism of its action requires a sexual arousal, but those men hadn’t experienced it during sexual activity other than from the masturbation in an empty room alone with a porn movie.

“My brain is damaged by porn, it’s a sort of addiction” – they say. The scale of the problem is increasing, so it becomes a real disaster for expressive youth.

Strange But True: How Porn Affects the Human Mind

We are living in a world in which nudity is everywhere. From the ancient times until the XX century, people could observe naked men and women depicted on cave walls, sculptured from stone, or flashing in a black and white movie. Why didn’t all those forms of erotic art give men ED, let alone 18+ magazines and specific literature which included all the juicy details?

The point is that such “porn,” even in abundant quantities, provided very limited data in comparison with the modern adult movies distributed on online resources like Pornhub, xHamster, Redtube, and others.

A diversity of porn categories strikes: nowadays you can find a video even for the most perverse taste. The great variety and accessibility of porn are the exact reasons why so many young men suffer from ED.

DopamineHow does it work? Some studies showed that brain releases dopamine, a hormone responsible for pleasure when a man (or a woman) watches porn. This way, a person feels highly satisfied and starts seeking more and more triggers as he gets used to this activity.

According to Gary Wilson, author of “Your Brain on Porn,” a man will search for more and more intense stimulation because of the greater production of dopamine in the brain.

He might start watching extreme forms of porn (scenes of sexual violence, kinky sex, and other bizarre videos which are almost unrelated to average sex lives) or content which doesn’t match his sexual orientation.

Mild and traditional porn is no longer satisfying his needs.

Therefore, the brain is getting hooked on internet porn and a man can’t get aroused under normal conditions. Sex in real life is very far from the scenes that we see in adult movies, and that’s why a naked girl, guy, or any ‘normal’ intercourse does not cause sexual desire. The bottom line here is: porn leads to erectile dysfunction.

Gabe Deem and His “Reboot Nation” Project – “We’re Not Giving Up”

Gabe Deem is a 29-year-old guy who founded an organization aimed at drawing attention to the problem. It is called Reboot Nation, and the main goal of it is to help young men to find a way back to more normal sex lives. Gabe encountered the same problems as thousands of affected men all over the world: he found himself eventually unable to have sex with his girlfriend after a few years of watching porn.

ED was always a problem inherent primarily to mature and elderly men, while Deem says that even teenage boys aged 13-14 years tell him about the same issue and ask him for help. The only key to dealing with it is to stop watching porn and masturbating for a substantial period of time. For instance, Gabe was able to enjoy sex with a partner nine months after quitting porn.

What About Medical Findings on the Topic?

The scientists agree that the number of patients under 40 increased over the past decade. A lot of young men suffer from psychogenic ED, which has no physiological cause. However, porn is not the only factor which had been identified as a core one. Medical experts refer diet changes, drinking habit, drug abuse and depression to as the other backgrounds.

The person who actually invented a term PIED is Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, who works as an associate clinical professor of urology at Harvard Medical School. It means he believes in the existence of such a form of ED. The other urologist, Dr. Shusterman considers porn not as a cause of ED, but ED as a cause of porn use.

Erectile dysfunction

A neuroscientist Nicole Prause criticizes this theory because nobody can provide a real medical evidence to support it. In her opinion, the organizations such as Reboot Nation are only an attempt to justify men’s sexual anxiety.

Whether or not, if you already have ED, it is time to do something about it. The only proven method that works in almost all cases is the treatment by using specific medications. The most known among them is Viagra; the other popular drugs are Cialis, Stendra and Kamagra. Here in ViaBestBuy online pharmacy, you can purchase various dosages of those medicines in one click. Order now and get your package not later than within 7-18 days.