The Limpopo family was known around their iillage as lacking erections and unable to perform in the bedroom. In many areas of the world this issue is solved with a simple pill called Viagra, but in South Africa, they received a “muthi” and were told to go and rape a female crocodile.
South Africa – A family from Limpopo is reeling from the death of it’s three oldest sons who died while attempting to cure an embarrassing family ailment. The family’s males all suffer from cases of erectile dysfunction which are highly prevalent in the African nations. Unsure of what is causing it many speak to tribal leaders to find a cure to their wicked ailment, but these cures tend towards barbaric traditional rituals that would have seemed out of place in the 1900s let alone in the 21st century.
The mission to become superstars in the bedroom quickly became an accident as three sons from the Limpopo family were killed in a crocodile attack. Encouraged by a shaman medicine man the sons were told to entire into waters near their town and rape a female crocodile. They would be protected by magic and would be able to successfully have sex with the crocodile, and then human women again.
WHF? Can You Imaging You Raping Crocodile?
The Limpopo family was known around their village as lacking erections and unable to perform in the bedroom. In many areas of the world this issue is solved with a simple pill called Viagra, but in South Africa, they received a “muthi” and were told to go and rape a female crocodile.
Muthi, or muti, is a term for traditional botanical healing used in South Africa. Derived from trees, Muthi uses naturally occurring elements derived or taken from plants, bushes, berries, trees, bark, leaves and roots.
They were told that the muthi was going to act as a shield that would weaken the crocodile to make it easy for the brothers to catch and rape the reptile, the men’s father explained. It would strengthen the sons and make one man feel as if he were ten, strong enough to overtake and rape the crocodile.
The situation surrounding the circumstances before and leading up to the attack were inexplicable but it is believed to be that the Muthi did not work and the crocodile was not weakened like it was thought to be. Once the men entered the water and approached the crocodile, the still waters turned deadly as the reptile attacked the sons. With many in the village looking on the attack quickly turned brutal as the men were torn apart by the angry reptile.
The men’s father stated that he trusted the sangoma as he has been known in the past for curing manhood problems similar to what the Limpopo family had been dealing with and that other clients had proven the Sangoma’s veracity.
This is a loss to the family, the boys made a brave choice, the married ones needed to save their marriages, the divorce rate in the family was just too high leading to the decision to undertake the ritual. As men, marriages are strengthened in the bedroom during intercourse but my cousins had problems with their manhoods. We lost precious lives and we are weeping. As a tradition we can’t question the sangoma but only to accept the outcome.
The city council and local governments of Limpopo (including the political leadership) has come out again and lambasted these traditions as dangerous.
Brothers Were Killed
“As modern technology and medicine get better, there is no place for these outdated and unproven dangerous rituals. We must practice safety first and use modern medicine to cure ailments of this nature,” A Limpopo political leader stated. The leader went on to encourage the use of doctors and installations set up by the Red Cross which would have provided medicine such as viagra in lieu of sending three men to their deaths by wrestling dangerous wild animals like crocodiles.
Two of the son’s bodies were recovered from the stagnant water, however, hungry crocodiles ingested the remaining man prior to the attempt to retrieve the bodies from the water. Don’t be shy! Get free Viagra samples, we ship them worldwide!