Buying Generic Viagra Online at a USA pharmacy

Buying Generic Viagra Online at a USA Pharmacy

Are you interested in saving money on your erectile dysfunction medication? Buying generic Viagra online at a USA pharmacy may be the solution you seek. People in the US spend hundreds of billions of dollars each year on medications like Viagra. It only makes sense to save money any possible way, including from an online vendor at a low price.

However, with all the options available online, it may be difficult to navigate to a company you can trust. There are a few things you should know before you make that purchase.

Why generic Viagra is so cheap

100 tablets of 100 mg brand name Viagra from a US pharmacy can cost you as much as $$2,000. If purchasing brand name products in large quantities in order to keep your sex life alive is not an option due to a limited budget, do not give up hope just yet. The news has been all abuzz the past few years about generic sildenafil, which is the main ingredient in the Viagra brand medication. Now, it is possible to obtain the same great drug that will provide the same great results and a price that will not break the bank.

The cost of this generic drug is as little as one-tenth of the price of the original brand name pill. The huge price gap has left some people skeptical, but there is really nothing to fear.

There are many misconceptions about the term “generic”. In reality, every drug on the market could be called generic. The word denotes a substance that is used in a popular brand name drug that is being produced by a different manufacturer under the generic name. The production standards remain the same and are subject to system regulations as the brand name version.

The price gap is caused by the brand name attempting to recoup invested funds. Development of a drug is a complex and costly process. The initial manufacturer must pay for research, development, branding, testing, patenting and promotion. The patent allows companies to set their own price levels in order to acquire maximum revenue that covers these development costs. With no alternatives available, consumers have to pay the high prices.

Once the patent has expired, more cost-friendly options become available to consumers. Generic manufacturers do not have any investment costs to recover and the competition becomes more severe. Thus, the price of the drug plummets.

Generic medications have been around for many years. The composition, dosage, safety standards and applications are all the same for both the generic and brand name products.

The benefits of buying generic Viagra online

The obvious benefit of buying generic Viagra online is the money that you save. This is especially true for those that use the drug on a daily basis. Stocking up on large quantities of generic Viagra is much more affordable than the brand name alternative. In addition, when buying in bulk, many vendors will toss in some bonus pills for free.

When shopping online for ED medication, the broad range of available types of sildenafil offers quite a challenge. Yet, this just may be a blessing in disguise. The more diverse the options, the easier it is to achieve precise and targeted results over the course of the therapy. The intensity of the drug can be altered through an increase or decrease in dosage. In addition, a tweaked formula can help with some side effects. These are not options that are available when you buy brand name.

The effectiveness and safety of generic Viagra is identical to the original brand name product. With the multitude of forms, it is easier to adjust dosage to fine-tune compatibility and safety on a case-by-case basis. However, it is still crucial that you consult your doctor or confirm the appropriate dosage.

One of the most important benefits of buying generic Viagra online is the privacy that it allows. If you are not comfortable with the dialogue that others may hear at your local brick-and-mortar pharmacy, the best choice for you is to shop online. The pills are shipped to your home discreetly in unmarked packaging and no one will have a clue as to what you are buying. You can even sign up for automatic refills to avoid any added hassle.

How to shop for generic Viagra online safely

To put it in simple terms, an online pharmacy is a prescription drug vendor that is based on the internet. This can include both legitimate and unlawful companies. These online pharmacies sell products at lower prices because they are able to provide service to a broader clientèle through a single central location; thus eliminating the network costs of local pharmacies.

With the cost of medication so high in the United States, many people turn to online pharmacies to save money. There are actually thousands of available options and many of these companies are legitimate, but some are not.

Unlawful online pharmacies do not have anyone checking in on them to make sure they are in compliance with regulations and laws. This also means that they may not be sending their customers the right products. .

The risks are high when dealing with a fraudulent online pharmacy. In some cases, the wrong dosage may be sent. Other times, labels may be incorrect or missing. There have even been reports of customers receiving completely different products than those they ordered. Some have even received sugar pills, or placebos, which do not contain any active ingredients. Therefore, it is vital that you know the way to separate the unlawful companies from legitimate online pharmacies.

To ensure that you are purchasing your generic Viagra from a legitimate online pharmacy, there are a couple of things to note. A legitimate company will accept payment from a variety of methods, including credit card. Be wary of those that only accept direct deposits from your bank account. Also, keep in mind that most reputable online pharmacies are not going to send you annoying messages to pollute your email inbox with solicitations to purchase erectile dysfunction drugs. In addition, make certain that the company has an actual street address and watch out for those that only have a post office box.

Myths about purchasing generic Viagra online

Long before the world was dominated by the internet, people were using mail-order pharmacies to obtain low-cost medications. The online pharmacies of today are essentially the natural extension of that idea. It is the same as ordering from a website instead of a mail-order catalog for any other product that you may purchase online.

Prior to the internet, mail-order pharmacies were made available to people to take advantage of the convenience and affordable pricing that they offer. These days, it is quite common to purchase prescription drugs over the internet from online pharmacies.

It is possible to place orders for the medications you need any time, day or night. In just a few days, the drugs arrive in your mailbox. It is as simple as that. For many people, this option is considerably more convenient than driving to a brick-and-mortar pharmacy with a prescription and waiting in long lines or returning at a later time to pick up the order.

For those who need medication to treat a condition that they would rather keep private, such as erectile dysfunction, purchasing generic drugs online is the ideal option. The experience of making a purchase online is much less distressing than having your ED treatment prescription filled at a local drug store.

The growing popularity of online pharmacies has generated a number of myths regarding purchasing generic Viagra online. Therefore, it is important that you have all the facts and are able to separate the myths from the truth.

Counterfeit drugs

One of the most prevalent myths out there is that any Viagra that you purchase over the internet is not the real deal. The Food and Drug Administration in the United States as well as the equivalent agencies in other regions work continuously in an effort to close down all online sources of counterfeit drugs. However, it is a difficult task to keep these fraudulent companies closed down for good. These unlawful sources distribute counterfeit prescription drugs often, with Viagra being among the most common.

Nonetheless, not all generic Viagra that is purchased online is counterfeit. Reputable online drug sources usually will include lot numbers with the packaging information that make it possible to verify that the products received are in fact not fake at all. Trusted online sources often provide information for their customers that can confirm the authenticity of the medications that they sell.

Herbal Viagra

Another myth that is circulating is that it is possible to purchase an herbal equivalent to Viagra that will provide you with the same desired results. While it is a fact that you can purchase products that are sold as herbal Viagra online, there is no way for you to know exactly what you are getting in it.

For the lucky few, you will be shipped a product that does not contain any effective ingredients at all. Those who are not so fortunate are at risk of receiving a product that is actually quite dangerous to ingest. A large number of the herbal supplements, as they are often called, are developed and sold without oversight. This is especially true for those that are marketed as all natural substitutes for Viagra.

Several of the supplements that are used to create these products are relatively new to the market. Thus, there is little if any data to support their safety or effectiveness. Because they are sold along with the legitimate medications, customers are tricked into believing that such products have been properly tested. However, that is rarely ever the case.

No herbal ingredients or products have been reported to be as effective as Viagra. Yohimbe bark extracts that contain the compound yohimbine were once used to treat erectile dysfunction. However, this was long before Viagra became available. Because of the inferior efficiency, these products are rarely ever used these days.

Unfortunately, many herbal supplements to promote sexual enhancement are now being spiked illegally with pharmaceutical compounds such as those that are found in genuine Viagra. These products can be very dangerous for a large number of reasons, such as the fact that the level of active ingredients and the identities of those ingredients are not listed on the product labels.

Illegal to purchase generic Viagra online?

One other well-circulated myth regarding the purchase of medication from online pharmacies is that it is illegal. The fact is that there are no federal laws in place that specifically ban drug importation that is ordered from such companies. Drugs that are manufactured in foreign countries that are approved by the FDA or parallel agencies may be imported by hospitals, pharmacies, wholesalers and individuals.

The term “FDA-approved” is a label that states that the drugs are produced by registered manufacturers, plants and packagers that use approved pharmaceutical ingredients, formulas, labels and structure. For all intents and purposes, foreign drugs that are approved by the FDA equivalent in foreign countries are manufactured, packed and branded for sale in the US by online pharmacies.

Prescription drugs that are available from online pharmacies that ship from countries that have regulated and advanced marketplaces, such as India, are considered to be just as safe as the drugs that are sold in local retail pharmacies in the United States. Therefore, medications sold by online pharmacies that ship from foreign manufacturers are just as safe and effective as the ones that are available for purchase at your local drug stores. The safety of drug importation through online pharmacies includes generic versions of brand name drugs that are approved by foreign agencies.

Many who oppose the sale of prescription medications through online pharmacies claim that there is a lack of quality control with foreign drug manufacturing and shipping operations. The truth is that close to 210 countries around the world manufacture drug products. A third of those countries do in fact have satisfactory regulations and standard controls in place. Another third have these controls in place as well, yet they lack the necessary enforcement. Therefore, only one-third of these countries do not have any regulatory controls at all.

There is no clear proof that the drugs purchased by consumers in the United States from online pharmacies that ship out of foreign countries have harmed anyone. The claim of uncertain quality is nothing more than a scare tactic.

Such scare tactics are used in order to shield the pharmaceutical industry against consumers who are looking to buy the medications they need at cheaper prices. In fact, the pharmaceutical industry invests millions of dollars to keep the conflict going.


It is possible to purchase generic Viagra online that is manufactured legally for as little as 5% of the cost of the brand name drug. The generic versions of sildenafil citrate are both safe and effective.

The big pharmaceutical companies do not want consumers to be aware of or understand the inexpensive alternative that generic Viagra offers. So they have spent considerable amounts of time and money toward convincing consumers in the United States that generic Viagra purchased from an online pharmacy and shipped out of a foreign country is illegally manufactured sildenafil citrate and counterfeit.

It is important to note that there is not a generic version of Viagra currently available for purchase in US pharmacies. It will not be possible to purchase generic Viagra directly in the United States until late 2020. However, it is legitimately accessible in India. Generic versions of this drug have the exact same active pharmaceutical ingredients and they will almost always provide you with the exact same therapeutic effect.

Access to generic Viagra without a prescription from a reputable online pharmacy like VBB provides a number of valuable benefits to male patients who are suffering regularly from erectile dysfunction. However, anyone who is experiencing erectile dysfunction should still take the time to visit a healthcare provider to ensure that there is not any serious underlying conditions that may be causing the ED.

Finally, there are many undeniable benefits to buying generic Viagra online over buying USA pharmacy Viagra. In addition to the remarkable convenience of quickly placing an order online, buying low-cost medication in bulk and having it shipped straight to your door from a trusted company means your privacy is never compromised.

The pills are shipped to you in unmarked, discreet packaging that will prevent the mail carrier or nosy neighbors from becoming aware of your personal condition. In addition, you do not have to deal with the embarrassment of handing a prescription over to a pharmacy assistant and standing in line waiting for your order to be prepared. You never make eye contact with the person packing your shipment.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your sex life without spending a fortune and putting yourself in harrowing situations, you are the ideal candidate for purchasing generic Viagra online. Order your generic Viagra pills today and take advantage of free Viagra sample pills and fast shipping to the US.

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