Four little known facts about Viagra tablets

Four Little Known Facts About Viagra Tablets

Most of the popular treatments for erectile dysfunction fall under a class of medicines that inhibit an enzyme called PDE-5. Viagra was the first medicine in this class, and although extensive marketing helped to bring erectile dysfunction treatments into the mainstream, there are still several facts about Viagra that very few people know. Below are our picks for the facts you probably won’t know about Viagra:

1. The Price of Viagra Plummeted Last Year

In May 2014 Pfizer’s patent on Viagra expired, meaning that pharmaceutical companies from around the world could manufacture the active ingredient ‘Sildenafil’ in bulk, and sell it as generic Viagra. Generic medicines are a fraction of the cost, as they have far less research and development costs to recoup. In the period of several days the cost of Viagra fell from $85 to just a few dollars.

2. Performance Enhancing Effects

Viagra is a PDE-5 inhibitor, and works by helping to relax blood vessels. Relaxing blood vessels works effectively when treating erectile dysfunction, but could also be used by opportunistic athletes looking to gain an advantage. At high altitude it’s thought that Viagra can relax blood vessels in the lungs, allowing more oxygen into the body. Viagra isn’t currently on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) list of banned substances, but evidence is continually being reviewed by their experts.

3. Viagra Doesn’t Interest Pandas

In 2002, Chinese zoo keepers gave Viagra to a young male panda called Zhuang Zhuang, in order to encourage him to breed. The drug had no effect, and Zhuang Zhuang showed no interest in his panda companion. Only when they showed him panda porn was he a little more interested, so it turns out that porn, and not pharmaceuticals, are how you get a panda to breed.

4. Viagra’s Twin Revatio – Facts About Viagra

Pfizer’s patent might have expired on the use of Viagra for erectile dysfunction, but they renamed the drug Revatio and have an active patent on its use for high blood pressure. This has resulted in an unusual situation where Sildenafil costs a few dollars if being bought for erectile dysfunction, but when prescribed for blood pressure as Revatio will cost closer to $1000.

So, what do you you think of these facts about Viagra? Join comments bellow!

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