Everything you need to know about plain old little blue pill

Everything You Need to Know About Plain Old Little Blue Pill

Everything You Need to Know About Plain Old Little Blue Pill

How was Viagra developed? What can you expect from this legendary drug? Are there competitors to this medicine, and when should you wait for a price reduction? All of this you will learn from the article below.

It was not so long ago, only 20 years, that the FDA approved this drug, which had no analogs before – Viagra. For 20 years, this little blue pill has gained incredible popularity – this drug was bought in the United States for a total of more than 17 million dollars. The name Viagra very quickly became a household name, and this is not surprising since this medicine was a real breakthrough in the treatment of impotence. No remedy for this ailment, which were used earlier and are used until the present time, gives such an obvious effect or has such a high performance as Viagra. During its existence, this drug has fundamentally changed the attitude towards male sexuality, breaking the belief that men of elderly age do not need to have sex. Thanks to Viagra, male sexual activity can be maintained until old age.

Polls show that more than 30 million men in the United States have eventual or persistent erection problems, and thus this drug is unlikely to lose its popularity. Viagra has high efficiency, fast action, versatility, and safety of use, and this is everything you need to know about the small blue pill. However, if you want to know, even more, this article will be quite useful to you.

Everything you need to know about plain old little blue pill

Viagra Was Intended Not for Impotence

Viagra is the most popular drug based on sildenafil. Despite the presence of dozens of generics and other PDE5 (phosphodiesterase 5) inhibitors, this medicine continues to occupy a leading position at the market. Although the quality of other drugs is no worse, the brand name plays a role – at the moment Viagra is the most popular remedy for erectile dysfunction (ED) all over the world.

Sildenafil, the main active component of Viagra, was created as a cure for angina. It improves blood circulation and helps the work of the vessels. The drug did not show the expected results, so its development would have ended, but a lot of men testing it refused to return samples of the drug after the experiment. It turned out that sildenafil has a side effect in the form of a significant improvement in erection. With time, the drug was improved and the Pfizer company started to manufacture the medicine called Viagra, and it was a real sensation.

There is a patent for the medicine, which will end in 2020. Until this time, Viagra will have a fairly high price and be available at pharmacies only with a prescription. Such a situation has led to the appearance of many cheap generics, most of which are of the same effectiveness and quality.

It Will Not Cure Dysfunction

Despite the fact that Viagra is called a medicine, it has no therapeutic effect. This drug gives only a temporary effect, but does not provide a significant positive effect on the reproductive system and does not cure erectile dysfunction. There are a lot of illnesses that lead to impotence, and to improve potency, it is necessary to begin their treatment, if this is possible, of course. Viagra also gives the desired effect, regardless of the ED cause, but it lasts about four to six hours and no more. This means that with a stable form of ED, the pill should be taken before each occurrence of sexual intercourse.

Contrary to popular belief, Viagra is not an exciting agent. This medication acts only during sexual arousal and makes an erection solid and stable. It does not create any additional special effects, only temporarily normalizing the work of the genitals. A healthy man should not take these pills since he will feel no difference.

Only One Fruit Can Spoil Everything

GrapefruitViagra is convenient for use because it can be taken regardless of meals and at any time of the day. It does not enter into a chemical reaction with food and can be combined with a small amount of alcohol. All of this allows you to maintain your own life habits. If you are going on a romantic date with dinner and a small amount of alcohol, then this does not interfere with the action of sildenafil. Still, there is one fruit that can essentially spoil everything. It’s the grapefruit. It contains substances that neutralize the action of sildenafil, as well as slow its elimination from the body. As a result, Viagra does not work well, but the risk of side effects increases significantly. Avoid this fruit and its derivatives while taking the medication.

You Won’t Get Long Lasting and Instant Erection

The small blue pill has a limited duration – from four to six hours, but this does not mean at all that throughout this time the man will have an erection. Only if there is sexual arousal, he will experience an erection. The duration of the erection is not affected by Viagra. If a man has premature ejaculation, it is desirable to combine Viagra with dapoxetine – a substance that can prolong sex several times.

Since sildenafil is not an aphrodisiac, a sudden erection while taking this drug does not threaten you. It will appear only when it is needed and disappears after an orgasm. The drug acts quite naturally, so it is impossible to determine whether you took Viagra or not.

Off-Label Use

Off-label useA lot of people use drugs not on their direct purpose, without fear of harm to their health. With Viagra, you cannot do that. This drug is intended for the temporary elimination of erectile dysfunction and its use for anything else is prohibited. On the Internet, there are dozens of sources of information about the drug, but it is necessary to dispel the myths about the universality of the drug. It is worth knowing that Viagra:

  • does not increase testosterone level;
  • does not improve physical fitness;
  • does not increase penis size, although with a 100% solid erection it may indeed seem larger than before. This applies to men who have long suffered from impotence;
  • does not treat infertility. At the same time, the drug may contribute to conception if pregnancy does not occur due to ED.

Viagra will not do anything more than is specified in its instruction.

Get Confidence

It is known that in many respects a man’s mood and self-confidence depend on his sexual capabilities. It is rare that a young or mature man can consider himself successful, strong, and happy if he has erectile dysfunction. If sex is interesting to him even a little, then such a circumstance will severely worsen his life, may adversely affect his social life and work, and even cause apathy and depression.

Viagra successfully restores not only an erection but also self-confidence. Also, good sex is an integral part of the relationship between any couple. This applies not only to young couples but also to those who have reached old age. Even with the presence of gray hair and wrinkles, a man wants to feel strong, and his woman wants to be satisfied.

Not Only for Men

Female ViagraCan women use Viagra to treat frigidity or enhance sensations? The results of such research are rather contradictory. On the one hand, if a woman takes this drug, then in her body, in the presence of arousal, the same processes occur as in the male — the arousal increases and blood flows intensively to the genitals. Theoretically, this increases the likelihood of an orgasm, but there are no guarantees of this since for women an orgasm a lot depends on the mental state. There is no reliable information that sildenafil helps to get rid of frigidity.

In some pharmacies, you can see a drug called “Female Viagra.” This has nothing in common with the classic male Viagra and has a completely different composition and action. At the moment, the only effective drug for women is flibanserin (Addyi).

How Food Can Affect Sildenafil Action

Food, as mentioned above, does not affect the action of sildenafil, with the exception of grapefruit and its derivatives, of course. The effect of the drug does not depend on what exactly you have eaten – it will be the same. Only the dosage affects the intensity of exposure. However, fatty foods can slow down the effect of sildenafil. It slows down the absorption in the stomach, so the effect comes a little later than usual.

How to make Viagra work better? To do this, you need to choose the optimal dosage, and for maximum results, it is best to take the pill on an empty stomach. For safety, you must carefully study the instructions and make sure that you have no contraindications to the use of the drug.

It May Not Suit You

Despite the fact that Viagra is considered a safe medicine, it is still not suitable for everyone. There is a list of conditions under which it cannot be taken, namely:

  • uncontrolled blood pressure surges;
  • severe anemia;
  • recent stroke or heart attack;
  • permanent medication with nitrates and some inhibitors;
  • leukemia;
  • kidney and liver failure;
  • age under 18 and over 65;
  • intolerance to the components.

Viagra will not help men with serious genital traumas and severe hormonal disorders, as it works only with sexual arousal.

MedicationsThe popularity of the small blue pill is difficult to exaggerate, but it is possible that it will soon be eclipsed by the generics. These are drugs that are complete analogs of Viagra. They have the same composition and properties. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and are much cheaper than the original. In addition, their dosage is often more variable than that of the classic Viagra. As for the quality, the generics are not inferior to the brand drug.

The ViaBestBuy online pharmacy offers a wide range of Viagra generics – Kamagra, Sildigra, Viagra Soft, Suhagra, and many others. Also, on sale are anti-impotence medications based on tadalafil (Tadarise, Cialis, Tadacip, Tadagra, etc.) and avanafil (Stendra). For those who suffer from premature ejaculation, there are good generics of Priligy based on dapoxetine.