Where is generic Viagra made

Where Is Generic Viagra Made

Where Is Generic Viagra Made

Medications are no more than a product, which has to be manufactured and distributed. Someone produces it, others — put it in the packages and deliver to the local pharmacies, where we buy this intimacy-saving remedy. However, two identical tabs can cost differently. Let’s find out why one Viagra is cheaper than another.

If you go to a doctor and ask him to prescribe you a pill for better sexual vigor, most probably the prescription will be for Viagra. The pills that can be found in the local pharmacies are certified by the FDA (stands for the Food and Drug Administration, the federal agency that approves all medications in the USA). Until recently, all of them were produced by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer Incorporated, with the head office located in New York City. It does not mean, though, that the blue pills were actually made there. The story of each tab is rather interesting, and they make a long journey from where they are born to the pharmacy nearby. Who makes Viagra, and what is the best way to purchase it — you will find the answers in this article.

Where Does Viagra Start?

As well as with many other drugs, the initial indications of sildenafil citrate were different from those we know by now. Three scientists from Pfizer synthesized it to find a cure for various cardiovascular disorders. The results of the trials were very disappointing, and the producers were already going to shelve the project, when the examinees, miners from South Wales, reported about more nocturnal erections after taking the experimental pills. It happened in the summer of 1993, and it took five years for pharmacists to trial and approve the revolutionary, first ever certified oral tablet for ED (short for erectile dysfunction).

Where is generic Viagra made

Since 1998, it has been available on the market under the brand name Viagra. The bulk ingredients are made in Ireland, in a little village Ringaskiddy, close to the major port of Cork. Interesting fact, the male population of Ringaskiddy believes that they do not need any pills for sexual strength, because the air near the factory is rich in Viagra fumes. The powder is shipped to several plants in France and USA, where the specialists combine the elements and make the blue pills as we know them.

We’ve already mentioned, that all licensed Viagra was made this way until recently. A lot of people all over the world were waiting for so-called “patent cliff,” which happens when the company loses the exclusive right to produce and market its product, because it eventually leads to significant price reduction. Since 2012, the patent of Pfizer Inc. has been expired outside the United States. By the end of 2018, the FDA has issued a license for 15 pharmaceutical companies to produce generic sildenafil citrate tablets and market them inside the USA. Seven of them are located in India.

Indian brandsThese newcomers will have to wait till 2020 before they can enter the U.S. market and compete with Pfizer on equal terms. Here are the Indian brands that are going to give Pfizer a run for its money:

  • Ajanta Pharma Ltd., located in the city of Mumbai;
  • Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd., headquartered in Ahmedabad;
  • Rubicon Research, Mumbai;
  • Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, with the head office in Hyderabad;
  • Macleods Pharmaceuticals Limited, Mumbai;
  • Aurobindo Pharma Limited, registered in HITEC City (The Hyderabad Information Technology and Engineering Consultancy City);
  • Hetero Drugs, also from Hyderabad.

Pfizer Incorporated, though, is not going to give up so easily. The company has represented their own generic Viagra in December 2017. Still, the price of the approved drugs, even generics, remains rather high. The Pfizer’s “cheap” Viagra costs more than 30 dollars per pill. It can make you rack up a huge bill in a year! And who knows what will be the cost of all other certified tablets after they are allowed for sale in the USA? All the more, it does not seem that the medical authorities tend to make Viagra a non-prescription medicine.

We have three answers for this question already:

  • buying Indian Viagra in the ViaBestBuy online pharmacy, you save a fortune;
  • with us, you do not need any prescriptions, we sell our ED pills over-the-counter;
  • to have all this, you do not need to wait for the year 2020, cheap and effective generic sildenafil pills are available here and now.

Indian pharmaceutical companyAll you have to do is place an order, and the pills will be delivered at your doorstep as soon as possible. Our drugs cost less than a dollar per 100 mg pill, compare it with the generics in the local drugstore! But the best price and ease of approach is not the only reasons why Indian ED tablets are so popular. The main thing is their high quality. Indian pharmaceutical companies, especially the ones we cooperate with, never cut corners on purity and effectiveness in order to compete on price.

It may be related to Indian culture, where the art of love and sex is a part of their national heritage. We all know what is Kama Sutra, the ancient teaching of pleasure. Add to this the fact that India is one of the leading countries in terms of ED prevalence rate. Despite this topic stays tabooed there, the statistics claim that one of ten Indian men have intimate problems. In the country where sexuality is a philosophy, the drugs for sexual health are made with special attention and care. This is why, when you buy ED tablets in ViaBestBuy, you can be completely sure this is not a fake.

Safety of Generic Viagra Made in India

This leads us to the next question — is it safe to buy cheaper drugs? Rumor has it they’re saving on ingredients, or do not have enough experience, or for whatever reason, but the branded drugs are safe while Indian analogues are not. It is not correct. First of all, because chemically generic sildenafil is identical to that in branded Viagra. The content of two tablets — one from India and another from the US — is completely the same.

As for experience, pharmaceutical companies all over the world, including India, work on the similar rules, they need 2-4 years of trials before their products can be allowed for marketing. Moreover, there was never a patent protection in India for medications, so the drug manufacturers have been making their Viagra hybrids for over ten years already.

What does this all mean? You have nothing to worry about when buying our drugs, because they have the same safety profile with branded Viagra. Possible side effects of both versions include headache, nausea, dizziness, and certain allergic reactions. Sometimes, patients report about abnormal vision or muscle pains, priapism can occur as a consequence of overdosing.

Some health conditions, or taking other drugs, may be contraindicated to sildenafil citrate, e.g. it is not recommended to men with cardiovascular diseases, or with abnormal penile curvature. If you take medications with nitrates, you should avoid Viagra, too. The full list of contraindications and interactions of Viagra can be found on the package leaflet, or on the website. In general, if you strictly follow the instructions there, you won’t face any problems.

Is Indian Viagra Also Effective?

Indian ViagraAll of the aforesaid applies to the efficacy of Indian Viagra, too. Having the same chemical formula with the branded version, generic pills produce the same actions in the human body. The potency of the pill depends not on where is Viagra made, but on the dose of sildenafil it delivers to your organism. Thus, generic Viagra 100 mg will give you the same boner as the tablet produced in one of the Pfizer’s factories. So, if you ask how good is generic sildenafil from India, the answer will be — as good as U.S. brand Viagra. The only difference between them is the price.

Is Cost of Indian Generics Cheaper?

Why does it happen that the drugs manufactured in America are dozens of times more expensive than those from India? Simple logic says that if you have to ship something from the other side of the planet, it has to be costlier than the identical local product. It would be true if it were not for monopoly of American manufacturers. We’ve already talked about the exclusive rights of Pfizer to market Viagra in the United States. Even after the patent has expired in 2012, the company made deals with other American producers to postpone the introduction of their generics till December 2017. More than that, after they’ve appeared on the shelves, the cost of treatment remained extremely high. Who knows, maybe it was a part of the agreement.

The roots of all this are in the absence of competition. In India, where our meds are from, everything works differently. There are no patents there, and thus there are no monopolists. Any company has a right to produce generics of any medication, and trade it after all trials and approvals are done. This policy is applied not only because the state wants to conquer the foreign drug markets, but also because the Indian government works on providing its poor population with cheap yet high-quality medications. One more reason for them to support the pharmaceutical industry is to create more jobs for people.

Taking into account the lower wages in India, as well as the entire standards of living, we have several reasons for generic Viagra to be much budget-friendlier than its branded congener:

  • the drug producers have low labor costs, as well as some other expenses, e.g. heating and electricity costs, taxes, etc.;
  • there are many of them, and they compete on price with each other;
  • no company is dominant and no one has more rights that the others;
  • there is a national strategy to support this sphere of business.

All these factors together make Indian sildenafil drugs 50-60 times cheaper than U.S. branded Viagra.

Order Generic Viagra Made in India Online?

Make an online orderDoes it mean, though, that when those seven companies enter the American market, the prices of ED drugs will drop markedly? Unfortunately, no. The FDA has almost tripled its fees for licensing the new medicines, as compared to those of the year 2017. There is no guarantee that this rise was the last one. This is why the best decision you can make is to use the services of ViaBestBuy pharmacy, and order Indian Viagra online. Our prices are low and stable, you can buy 100 mg sildenafil citrate pills for 99 cents each! The delivery is free if your order exceeds 80 USD. And if you pay with bitcoins, you additionally get the discount, 35% off!

In order to buy Viagra in ViaBestBuy, you do not have to see a doctor, get a prescription, or go anywhere. Buying your potency pills here is as easy as a couple of mouse clicks. All possible strengths and packages are available, you can find pills from 25 to 200 mg, you can order 10 tablets, or 500 — this way they are much cheaper. All the more, sildenafil is not the only drug we sell. In case you prefer Cialis or Stendra, there is no problem, we offer these medications for the best price, too. Also, we have effective cures for premature ejaculation. As you see, ViaBestBuy team works to satisfy any client. Become our loyal customer, and you will forget about failures in the bedroom.