Top interesting facts about penis

Top Interesting Facts About Penis

Top Interesting Facts About Penis

You may think that nothing obscure is left in the world about the penis. We are going to enlighten men on all member-related things to round up the most fascinating things that they have missed.

For centuries, the penis has been considered as a symbol of masculinity, power, and accomplishment. These are the most interesting facts about penis, which highlight its significance and value since ancient times up to the modern society. It is not a mere body organ, but a sign of more important and meaningful ideas.

Top interesting facts about penis

  1. Have you heard that male organs are divided into 2 types: “show-ers” and “growers?” It depends on how these reproductive organs look when they are erect. During erection, “growers” significantly lengthen and expand due to the increased blood flow. “Show-ers” remain almost the same regardless of a flaccid or erect state. According to anonymous surveys, 80% of men have “growers” and 20% have “show-ers.” In fact, the erect penis may increase by 300% and contain an amount of blood 8-10 times more than in its normal state.
  2. Penis size and foot size are not related, so his shoes don’t determine whether his male organ is big or not.
  3. Tobacco consumption leads to low libido and weak erections and can shrink the penis up to one centimeter. For a man who smokes, the blood vessels get calcified and constricted making the flow of blood to the genitals more challenging.
  4. The rumor that white men have shorter penises than black men has been finally verified. It turned out to be true. The average size of a black man’s erect organ is 6.3 inches, while white man’s is only 6.2 inches. In the Republic of Congo, men have the biggest average tools in the world – up to 7 inches.
  5. In the womb, male and female fetuses share the same genital endings. All penises start off as clitorises until the infusion of male sex hormones when clitoral tissues start growing into the male organ.
  6. Male fetus can have erections in the womb. Corpses can also have them. Even King Tutankhamun was mummified with an erect organ.
  7. A healthy man may experience up to 11 erections during the day, with 9 of them happening while asleep. However, it can take a man between 2 minutes to 2 weeks to be restored and achieve another erection.
  8. The verb “testify” comes from the Roman practice to swear on one’s own testicles. Yes, in pre-biblical times, men used to swear on penises.
  9. There is an ultra-rare chance that a boy can be born with diphallia (2 penises). Such anomaly at birth occurs once in 5 million cases. The first case was documented by an Italian therapist in 1609. It happens because of a cellular split during penis development, so 2 (or more) organs are created independently, and both are functional.
  10. Males of the Australian tribe called Walibri say hello by shaking each other’s penises.
  11. The average male orgasm lasts 6 seconds, while women experience it for 23 seconds. Regular intercourse lasts 2 minutes and 50 seconds, but women perceive it as lasting 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
  12. The male organ has no bone surrounding it. We are the only primates that don’t have bones in penises. Probably men evolved from having a baculum (penis bone), when humans decided on monogamy for forming family units. The penis is made up of fibrous tissue, which is responsible for carrying blood to the genitals and makes the organ erect. It’s a spread misconception that one’s dick can be broken, as there just may be a fracture on its outermost tissue (in most cases, due to aggressive sex). Without proper treatment, it can become a scar and result in a condition known as Peyronie’s disease, which makes the penis bent in an erect state.
  13. CircumcisionThe process of ejaculation needs no brainwork. The signal comes from the spinal cord. It is recorded that approximately 100 million acts of sexual intercourse take place every day.
  14. The obsession with circumcision started in the United States since the 19th century in order to prevent masturbation. Doctors recommended performing it for baby boys without anesthetic, so a child could associate pain with masturbation. Almost 80% of the US population is circumcised. Sex experts say that having intimacy with an uncircumcised man feels almost the same. Uncut guys are even considered more sensitive below the belt. Modern science is now able to reconstruct circumcised foreskin.
  15. The foreskin of circumcised infants can be used for growing grafted skin for burn victims. One foreskin is enough to produce 4 acres of skin.
  16. Male semen has few calories. Actually, it includes fructose, citric acid, enzymes, amino acids, and water. During his lifetime, the average male ejaculates 7,200 times.
  17. Most people consider the male organ the most sensitive body part. There are also surrounding areas that are just as sensitive and can lead to orgasm. For example, the famous G-spot is located on the prostate. The erogenous perineum is one more hidden hot spot.
  18. Only one in 400 men is flexible enough to give himself oral pleasure.
  19. There are a number of aromas reputed to amplify penile blood flow. They smell of donuts, pumpkin pie, lavender, and chocolate.
  20. There is a rumor that Napoleon had a notoriously small penis, which caused him to freak out and then to the attempt of conquering the world.
  21. Ancient Greeks favored small male organs as more visually pleasing things. All statues have intentionally small penises, which is associated with moderation. Large tools were linked to elderly or drunk men.
  22. Jonah Falcon is a guy from New York known as the owner of the largest penis in the world. The length of his erect monster is 13.5 inches. Researchers claim that less than 5,000 men on the globe have tools of 11 inches in length or larger.
  23. Irrational fear can cause the penis to retract back into the body. The medical term for this condition is koro.
  24. The male organ that has enjoyed the largest quantity of women on earth was that of King Fatefehi of Tonga. Between 1770-1784, he deflowered 37,800 virgins, meaning about 7 girls a day.
  25. Blue whales have the largest reproductive organs of all animal species with the length of their instrument up to 8-10 feet long. The penis of a bull elephant is big as well, so it can be used as a fifth leg. In an erect state, the organ can also act as a stool for steadiness or serve for swatting insects.
  26. One Beijing restaurant specializes in cooking penises. It serves 30 different varieties of these organs.
  27. Handsome men produce sperm of a better quality.
  28. Beginning at 25 years old, the sensitivity of the penis gradually declines with age. However, elderly men complain of erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE) more often than of the loss of sensitivity.
  29. In Reykjavik, Iceland, there is the Phallological Museum that contains 280 kinds of penises. It is the largest collection in the world and contains 4 human specimens.
  30. The size of his dick matters very much for every man. Read our article if you want to know how important this is. However, men feel stress about it regardless of how big it really is. Indeed, there are special techniques (surgeries, stretching procedures, etc.) that are able to enlarge one’s penis by several inches. Germany is a leader at penis a, performing 18% of all procedures in the world.

ED medicationsNumerous researches have shown that women don’t much care about the size of the penis. Emotions, creativity, and overall performance are more important in bed. Don’t exhaust your body with various stretching devices and surgical interventions. If you are concerned about intimacy, effective ED and PE remedies will help you to be on top of your skills. ViaBestBuy offers a variety of drugs for successful treatment of sexual disorders, like Cialis, Viagra, Kamagra, Priligy, etc. Erectile inability has become an outdated myth, which can be completely eliminated by a single pill intake.