Cialis vs Staxyn which is better

Cialis vs Staxyn: Which Is Better?

Cialis vs Staxyn: Which Is Better?

Erectile dysfunction. Is it a final order without appeal? This site is the best solution for men who faced this very delicate problem. It is a hard task to tell someone that you are incapable in bed, even your doctor. ViaBestBuy online pharmacy offers you effective and safe medications, which can be bought without a prescription. We make your sexual life bright and exciting, and not just that. We also make the way to it easy and quick.

What Is Cialis?

Cialis is the brand name of a revolutionary medicine for erectile impairments. It was not the first one on the market, but it brought many positive improvements to older analogues. The first oral tablet for a boner was Viagra. The late 90s brought hope to many men with amorous problems.

The innovative drug gave strong and long erections, worked only during sexual intercourse, and did not cause serious adverse reactions. But still it was a prescribed and regulated medication at first, as it also influenced the heart and vessels and theoretically could impact sight, changing the biochemistry in the retina.

After Viagra, with Sildenafil as its active substance, there were several other cures created for ED (short for erectile dysfunction), which worked on the same principle.

Tadalafil was the third one, and it was discovered in 1993 by two companies, Glaxo Wellcome and ICOS Corporation. They researched the chemical substance IC351, which was the phosphodiesterase type 5, or PDE5, inhibitor, just like sildenafil, trialed by the Pfizer company. Tadalafil got the approval from the FDA (the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which gives licenses to all new drugs) only in 2003, and it was licensed to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH for short) and sexual impairments in men. Those were two different pills based on the same generic:

  • patients with PAH were administered to use Adcirca tablets;
  • men with ED, and later with prostate enlargement, took Cialis.

Cialis vs Staxyn: which is better

Later, the production of Tadalafil drugs was established out of the USA, and India became a leader in manufacturing the generics of Cialis. Now they are traded all over the world under various brand names:

They all have the same active compound and work on the same principle, but they cost much less than their branded American version.

What Is Staxyn?

The Indian pharmaceuticalStaxyn is the Indian brand of the original drug Vardenafil, produced and patented by German, British, and American pharmacists. The companies that first developed this active substance were Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Schering-Plough Corporation, and GlaxoSmithKline plc. It was found in 1994 and approved for ED treatment in August 2003 under the name Levitra. In 2005, the companies-developers of the new drug shared the market, and Bayer AG got the right to distribute Levitra out of the USA. The GlaxoSmithKline company produces the analogous tablets branded Vivanza and sells them in Europe. The Indian pharmaceutical factories produce Staxyn, which is almost the same as Levitra and Vivanza, but has one significant difference. It is taken orally, but it should not be swallowed, it dissolves under your tongue without additional liquid and is absorbed into the bloodstream straight from your mouth. Vardenafil, as well as sildenafil, Avanafil, and tadalafil, is the PDE5 inhibitor, so they have a similar mechanism of action.

Do They Work Different?

When a man feels sexual attraction and excitement, caused both by physical stimulation of erotogenic zones and emotions, his body releases nitric oxide in penis. This starts the local formation of the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which influences the blood vessels in the cavernous body, relaxing them and letting the inflow of blood to the phallus. After this comes an erection, which lasts as long as a man feels sexual arousal.

PDE5 breaks the necessary monophosphate. All men have this phosphodiesterase in their organism, but sometimes something works incorrectly, and it prevents the erection, in spite of sexual drive and desire. Here, the inhibitors come to the rescue. PDE5 catches vardenafil or tadalafil instead of cGMP, the blood fills corpus cavernosum, and the penis becomes erect. As you see, the drugs of this type work only when there is sexual stimulation. Still, when taking Staxyn, Cialis, Viagra, etc., you have to remember that guanosine monophosphate and PDE5 both work in the eyes and cardiovascular system. Consequently, these medications can influence sight, arterial tension, and cardiac performance.

How Long Does Effect of Cialis and Staxyn Last?

ViagraTadalafil starts acting a quarter of an hour after it gets to the blood, as it is the fastest action among the PDE5 inhibitors. For example, Levitra tablets begin working only after a half an hour or even an hour after consumption, and Viagra needs between 30 to 45 minutes. Staxyn, although it has the same active substance as Levitra, sets the records in the speed of response among other drugs. This advantageous quality of Staxyn is provided by its way of administration — under the tongue without swallowing. This way the medicine gets to the bloodstream much faster, right through the veins in the mouth, and starts its performance no longer than 10-15 minutes after administration.

As for the duration of action of both drugs, a comparison between Cialis and Staxyn is not in favor of the latter. Men who use boner pills call Staxyn “a tablet for night.” It works for five hours minimum, and usually its action lasts for ten or even twelve hours. Cialis has a great advantage, as it is called a tablet for a weekend, and with good reason. Tadalafil stays in the organism for 36 hours, so if you take it on Friday night, the effects will last until Sunday. This is why it cannot be used more than once a day, as it may lead to overdose.

Cialis vs Staxyn Dosage

In our online pharmacy you can find the widest range of strengths of Cialis tablets, from 2,5 mg to 60 mg. The recommended initial dosage for daily use is 5 mg of tadalafil, but this amount seems ineffective for many men. More popular doses are 10 and 20 mg, but remember that 20 mg is the biggest allowed measuring for everyday administration. The higher strengths are prescribed to those patients who cannot achieve the desirable effect, and instead 40 and 60 mg are very helpful and were not observed to cause any harm. Anyway, it is better to take such tablets only after you talk to your healthcare provider.

Staxyn comes in one strength, 10 mg of vardenafil. This does not mean, though, that it is completely the same in its action and efficiency as Levitra 10 mg. These tablets work differently, as Staxyn causes a quicker and stronger response from the body. It should be taken before a sexual act, not more often than one pill in 24 hours. Do not use any drinks together with Staxyn, do not swallow it, and do not break the tablet before consumption. Another important instruction is to put the tablet under your tongue right after you take it out from the blister.

If there was a competition of Cialis vs Staxyn, we would see that Cialis offers a wider range of dosages and modes of administration. First of all, it can be used as a regular therapy, taken every day at the same time, regardless of sexual activity. Secondly, you can choose your individual dose, which works properly and personally for you. At the same time, Staxyn offers a comfortable strength and dose for the great majority of users. Together with the fast and strong performance, it makes this medicament very popular in men with ED.

Side Effects of Cialis and Staxyn

Cialis side effectsThe side effects of both drugs are mostly the same, as well as the contraindications. Let’s talk first about the differences. Staxyn has the chemical compound, phenylalanine, which is very dangerous for people with disorders in metabolism of this amino acid.

The rest of the adverse effects and dangerous reactions listed in the patient counseling information of both medications are similar. They can be divided into two categories. The first one includes side effects that usually pass away with time, while the adverse reactions of the second type may demand the medical assistance.

Your should seek medical attention if you observe the following symptoms for a long period of time:

  • vision or hearing troubles, sometimes loss;
  • various skin and face allergic reactions, such as rash, itching, puffiness, lesions, redness, etc.;
  • severe digestion problems, such as constant nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia, stomach pain;
  • cardiovascular disorders, like increased and irregular heartbeat, hypertension and hypotension, chest pain;
  • impairments in the nervous system, like strong headache, dizziness, faintness, loss of coordination, sometimes troubles with speech and motor functions;
  • priapism, which is an excessively long erection, longer than 5 hours;
  • musculoskeletal pains.

More common side effects, which do not require special attention and usually pass away when a body gets used to the drug, are:

  • sore stomach, pyrosis, belching;
  • runny nose, sore throat, coughing;
  • sleeping disorders;
  • dry mouth, slight muscle and joint pains, swelling of the eyes, feet and hands, etc.

Usually, these side effects do not appear if you follow the guidelines. You should consult a doctor before taking Staxyn and Cialis if you ever had seizures, heart attacks, strokes, or abnormal arterial tension and heartbeat. Ulcers, leukemia, troubles with blood formation, liver and kidney diseases, and damages of the optic nerve are also in the list of contraindications of Staxyn and Cialis. You should not take tadalafil and vardenafil if your doctor has asked you to avoid sex at all, and if you have the severe penile deformation.

Interaction with Food, Alcohol and Other Medication

Interactions with drugs and alcoholCialis and Staxyn, as well as other PDE5 inhibitors, are not allowed to be used with certain drugs, as it may scale up the risk of side effects or pose a serious threat to your health. It is very dangerous to take tadalafil and vardenafil together with any medications based on nitrates. One of the most well-known examples is nitroglycerin, as such medicines are used to dilate blood vessels for reduction of cardiac angina and ischemic heart disease. Of course, it is strictly prohibited to take different ED remedies simultaneously.

Most medications do not show any dangerous interactions with the erection tablets. Still, you should use them under professional medical control if you take any HIV protease inhibitors, antibiotics from macrolide family, antivirals, antifungals, or alpha-blockers, which lower blood pressure and may lead to losing consciousness.

Staxyn and Cialis can be used with or without food. High content of fat may impact the effects of the drugs, but not essentially, as sometimes it can only delay the action. Alcohol together with PDE5 inhibitors may raise up the risk of hypotension, fainting, and dizziness, so it is better to control the amounts of alcoholic beverages on romantic dates before amorous adventures. Grapefruit juice elevates the levels of these medications in the blood, thus it is dangerous to drink it before or after taking a pill.

What About Price?

The prices in our web drugstore vary depending on the package and strength. The bestseller among Cialis tablets is Cialis 20 mg. And if you choose our special offer of a 500-pill package, each tablet will cost only $0.79. Of course, you may purchase smaller boxes, then the price of the box will be lower, but every single tab will cost a little bit more.

If you already tried tadalafil and vardenafil, and want to try something new, we can suggest drugs with sildenafil or avanafil, Viagra and Stendra correspondingly, which are also effective and inexpensive. We also have Viagra 100 mg: 500 tabs for just $399, which is the best offer on the market!

So What Drug to Choose?

If there was a chart of pills for erections, we are not sure that one drug would top it by a head and shoulders above the rest. All of them have advantages and disadvantages, and in this article we try to explain all of them. Cialis is good for men who need prolonged action or continuous therapy, while Staxyn gives a faster and brighter effect. You should choose yourself, paying attention to the specific features of each medication. Of course, your health adviser may give you an idea about the best medication for you. If you do not share your intimate problems with medical workers, you should rely on your own experience and listen to your body. Many men report that, though the mechanism of action of the drugs is identical, different pills work differently for them. Some like Viagra, others prefer Cialis or Stendra, but all of them made their final choice only after they tried different variants and could compare them.

Where to Get Cheap Pills for ED?

ED pillsStaxyn, Cialis, and Viagra are prescription drugs, and your doctor can administer the medication to get them in any pharmacy. But this is a long and rather hard procedure, as you will have to wait for an appointment, take some tests, and tell the physician about all your troubles. In the era of the World Wide Web, there is no need for all these difficulties. You can come to our site, ViaBestBuy, and choose your favorite pills online, buy them in the comfort of your home, and get the parcel right to your doorstep. We do not need any prescription, or even your name, and our delivery service will complete the order in the shortest terms and with a 100% guarantee.

The ViaBestBuy pharmacy has a friendly system of bonuses, discounts, and ways of payment, as well as a comfortable help center and an interesting blog. We try to gather all the newest information about the drugs we sell, so that you can stay up to date about all the innovations of the pharmaceutical industry, read about the drugs you need, and get the full information about the dosages, precautions, and modes of administration. The reviews and responses section of our website contains the opinions and impressions about all medicinal products from our users. You can get a lot of useful information there too, as people share their real experiences and help others to make the best choices.